Cyberspace of Shujun LI



Usable Security/HCI in General: NIST Visualization and Usability Group (NIST Usability and Security, Biometrics and Usability, Industry Usability Reporting/Standards, Industry USability Reporting (IUSR) Project) BCS Usability News emotion icon Richard Conlan's Blog on Usable Security emotion icon HCISec Bibliography SOUPS - Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security Soups-announce -- Announcements related to the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) emotion icon HCI Bibliography User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) (Usability Body of Knowledge; Journal of Usability Studies (JUS); UK Chapter of the User Experience Professionals' Association) Interaction Design Foundation Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network Human-Centered Computing Education Digital Library

Human Cognitive Architectures and Models: ACT-R (ACT-R users primary mailing list) jACT-R CCMSuite (Python ACT-R) Soar OpenCog emotion icon CogTool (@github; CogTool-Explorer) Cogulator Apex (Documentation Wiki) SANLab-CM (Old Project Page) emotion icon AutoCWW2
Eye-Tracking: Tobii Pupil Labs Smart Eye Gazepoint

User Authentication and Identity Management

General: Open Credentials W3C CCG (Credentials Community Group) (@W3C) W3C WebID emotion icon FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance OATH - Initiative for Open Authentication OpenID Foundation OAuth Central Authentication Service (CAS) OASIS Identity and Trusted Infrastructure (IDtrust) Member Section Kantara Initiative (Liberty Alliance) Identity Commons Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) emotion icon Ping Identity Identity Woman Risk-based Authentication @ Ruhr University Bochum emotion icon National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) Deidentification@NIST.GOV

Password Checkers, Meters, Crackers and Analyzers: Research Papers on Password-based Cryptography Xato - Passwords & Security emotion icon Have I been pwned? (Pwned Passwords, API) Firefox Monitor Scattered Secrets DeHashed emotion icon COMB @ GitHub SecLists (Passwords) Skull Security Wiki (Passwords) Yahoo Password Frequency Corpus emotion icon PARS (Password Analysis and Research System) Password Hashing Competition Password Multi-Checker Tool @ Concordia emotion icon zxcvbn (Dropbox's Password Meter) CMU-CUPS-CHI2017 data-driven password meter (@github) passwdqc Google Password Strength API The Password Meter ( Oracle Password Checker Javascript Password Strength Meter Password Checker @ My1Login Kaspersky Password Checker Password Checker @ Password strength checker @ ProPrivacy emotion icon hashcat HashView Hashcat GUI John the Ripper (JtR) Password Guessing Framework @ Password 2015 (GitHub) ophcrack THC-Hydra OMEN (Ordered Markov ENumerator) RainbowCrack Cain & Abel Medusa Parallel Network Login Auditor fgdump L0phtCrack Phraser emotion icon The Sprawl (PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit, automatic password rule analysis and generation) AccessData Password Recovery Toolkit® (PRTK®) Pipal (Password Analyser) (@Github) Passpal Cain and Abel
Password Cracking Corpra: Mark Kantrowitz's Name Corpus Oxford Reference "Name Studies" dictionaries Lists of most common surnames @ Wikipedia emotion icon Chinese-Names-Corpus @ GitHub family_name_handle @ GitHub 汉姓罗马字标注 @ Wikipedia 中国姓氏排名 @ Wikipedia
Password Management and Generation: emotion icon Password Safe KeePass LastPass RoboForm Clipperz (@Github) Dashlane emotion icon PasswordMaker pa55 Passphrase Generator @

User Authentication: Graphical User Authentication emotion icon fastword Blue Moon Authentication True Key AGSES GmbH (myAGSES Services) Giesecke+Devrient GmbH SecuTech SecuTech KOBIL Systems OneSpan PassWindow SyferLock (Grid2Form™, GridSoftToken™, GridAdvanced™) Device Authority Yubico Session Juggler BlueProximity emotion icon How unique are your usernames?

Mobile Security and Privacy: TaintDroid AntiTaintDroid (ScrubDroid) DroidBox Android-Application-SandBox (AASandbox) Mobile-Sandbox Agrigento emotion icon SuSi – Sources and Sinks (@GitHub) Android-specific components of FlowDroid DroidForce DroidSafe AppAudit: Uncover Hidden Data Leaks in Apps (@GitHub) AppGuardian ScanDal: Static Analyzer for Detecting Privacy Leaks in Android Applications Intent Fuzzer MindMac's IntentFuzzer LinkDroid (@Github) emotion icon DroidBench Stanford SecuriBench (Stanford SecuriBench Micro) emotion icon UI/Application Exerciser Monkey monkeyrunner droidRunner Dare: Dalvik Retargeting PATDroid (A Program Analysis Toolkit for Android) Androguard APKinspector Apktool Dedexer DECAF (Dynamic Executable Code Analysis Framework) + DroidScope Simplify: Generic Android Deobfuscator PlayDrone: A Measurement Study of Google Play ProGuard DexGuard XSI-Android Purple Robot emotion icon CopperDroid EdgeMiner Tracedroid Dexter SandDroid @ XJTU Akana - Android App Interactive Analysis Enviroment (Eacus) NowSecure, Inc Lookout, Inc. VisualThreat Joe Sandbox Mobile Android Malware Genome Project emotion icon PrivMetrics emotion icon PlayDrone (@Github,

Human vs. Security

Human Computation: Human Computation Institute AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) Crowdsourcing and Human Computation @ Google Groups Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research's Special Track on Human Computation and AI
Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) and Visual Analytics for Security: HIPs @ Aladdin.CMU emotion icon CAPTCHA VizSec (IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security) SecVis - Security Visualization (The DAVIX Live CD) Visualisation work @ TREsPASS project emotion icon SecHCI GATE (Graphic Access Tabular Entry) SEa AUF Image Project

Social Engineering: Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) (APWG.EU) PhishTank OpenPhish Jose Nazario's Phishing Corpus (Nov 2004 - June 2005) Google Safe Browsing API (Protocolv2Spec: Client specification for the Google Safe Browsing v2.2 protocol) Report Suspected Phishing Sites to Symantec UAB PhishIQ™ Tool FraudWatch Phishing and Pharming Information Site AA419 (Artists Against 419) emotion icon Identity Theft Surveys and Studies @ Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Identity Theft @ Federal Trade Commission (US) Identity Theft Resource Center Putting an End to Account-Hijacking Identity Theft @ FDIC (US) Take Five emotion icon RSA Online Fraud Resource Center Cisco IronPort Phishing Overview MarkMonitor AntiFraud Websense (Security Labs, Attack Information Center) Trustwave Holdings, Inc. (SpiderLabs) Phishing Security Info @ Panda Security proofpoint (Wombat Security Technologies) Javelin Strategy & Research (Security, Risk & Fraud) PhishLabs PhishMe emotion icon Web Password Hashing (PwdHash) SpoofGuard Stanford SafeCache Stanford SafeHistory SpyBlock Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar (Netcraft Phishing Site Feed)

Privacy, Anonymity and Internet Censorship

Data Protection and Privacy Laws: DLA Piper Global Data Protection Laws of the World - World Map Data Protection and Privacy Legislation Worldwide @ UNCTAD Data protection around the world @ CNIL Data Protection Scholars Network (DPSN) emotion icon European Data Protection Board (EDPB) APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System (CBPR)
Projects, Campaigns and Working Groups: Privacy By Design (PbD) W3C Privacy Page (P3P: The Platform for Privacy Preferences) W3C Privacy Community Group (GitHub) W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (GitHub; DPV - Data Privacy Vocabulary, DPV Primer, DPV-GDPR: GDPR Extension for DPV; GDPRtEXT; GDPRov) IETF Geographic Location/Privacy Working Group MozPETs: Mozilla Privacy Enhancement Technologies Free Heaven Project (Anonymity Bibliography) Terms of Service; Didn't Read (ToS;DR) TOSBack - The Terms-Of-Service Tracker Usable Privacy Policy Project (Anonymity Bibliography) PoliPoly: Privacy policy analysis demo PrivacyCheck Privee Privacy Icons Forum (PIF) Privacy Icons from Privacy Tech
Organizations and Networks: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) (, Online Guide to Practical Privacy Tools) International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Privacy International Open Rights Group (ORG) Big Brother Watch Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) Liberty Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) Tactical Technology Collective (Tactical Tech) International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN) OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP) Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) Kantara Initiative Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) Data Protection Network (DPN) ProPrivacy OneTrust (DataGuidance) 数合规 PrivacyFish emotion icon Cookie Clearinghouse The Economics of Privacy Pandab TrustArc German BigBrotherAwards

Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Products: UK CDEI's Privacy Enhancing Technologies Adoption Guide Mozilla - *privacy not included Companies, Start Ups and Projects in the Privacy Space @ emotion icon Onoin Routing Tor Vidalia Talis (The Amnestic Incognito Live System) GNUnet Psiphon Ultrasurf Freegate Obscure Me: A Toolbox for Online Privacy Visual Privacy Advisor PriBot (Polisis, PoliCompare) OPP-115 Corpus (ACL 2016) + APP-350 Corpus (PETS 2019) + MAPS Policies Dataset (PETS 2019) + Government Privacy Instructions Corpus (ArXiv 2022) + Connections Between OPP-115 and the GDPR (JURIX 2020) + Opt-out Choice Dataset (WWW 2020) + Opt-out Choice Dataset (EMNLP 2017) + ACL/COLING 2014 Dataset + ASDUS Segmenting Tool Princeton-Leuven Longitudinal Corpus of Privacy Policies (WWW 2021) (GitHub; Web frontend) DMOZ-Privacy-Policy-Corpus-CODASPY21 Kuznetsov et al.'s dataset of privacy policies of IoT devices (Sensor 2022) (Kuznetsov et al.'s crawler) emotion icon Mobile Location Analytics Opt Out NAI (Network Advertising Initiative) Opt-out Tool WebChoices: Digital Advertising Alliance's Consumer Choice Tool for Web US Google Ads Settings Microsoft Personalized Ad Preferences Yahoo! Ad Interest Manager BlueKai (Oracle) Consumers Opt-Out Page emotion icon Brave Mozilla Lightbeam for Firefox MTails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System AVG PrivacyFix AVG PrivacyFix (testing against the reference server) Do Not Track All About Do Not Track (DNT) privacy-tech-lab (GitHub; PrivacyFlash Pro (NDSS 2021); OptMeowt) Abine (DeleteMe, Blur) Disconnect Princeton Web Transparency & Accountability Project (WebTAP) Ghostery EFF's Privacy Badger Privacy Bird® Privacy Sandbox PrivySeal Privacy Budget Panopticlick - How Unique is Your Web Browser? IBM Anonymization (EDDI) Library Cover Your Tracks @ EFF AmIUnique ASDUS (Automatic Segment Detection using Unsupervised and Supervised Learning) Privacy4Cars (Vehicle Privacy Report™) emotion icon International Workshop on Genome Privacy and Security iDASH Privacy & security workshop emotion icon PrivacyAlert: a dataset for image privacy prediction (ICWSM 2022)

Internet Censorship and Control: Collections of Peer-Reviewed Papers on Internet Censorship and Control emotion icon Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Global Network Initiative (GNI) Citizen Lab Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University Internet & Democracy Project OpenNet Initiative (ONI) Freedom House (Global Internet Freedom Program) Reporters Without Borders (RWB)/Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) (Internet Freedom) Golden Shield Project @ Wikipedia PIA Research Team (50 Key Stats About Freedom of the Internet Around the World) emotion icon Chinese Firewall Test @


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