Cyberspace of Shujun LI


Web Resources

Acronym Makers: Acronymify! ParaDucks Acronym Generator emotion icon
Foundations of Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics: Complexity Zoo Parameterized Complexity Community Wiki StatSoft's Electronic Statistics Textbook OnlineStatBook (Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study) Statistics Glossary @ Glasgow University (Research Methodology, Research Designs, Experimental Research; Statistics Tutorial, Statistics Beginners Guide, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Distribution in Statistics, Statistical Conclusion) G*Power

Cross-Platform Widget Toolkits: Apache Cordova Qt GTK
General Tools: Netlib SageMath (CoCalc (Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud)) GSL - GNU Scientific Library (GSL for Windows) Reproducible Research in Computational Science (by Xin Li) Intel® Software Network (Code and Downloads, Integrated Performance Primitives for Windows) emotion icon vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit Processing Colt - Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java half: IEEE 754-based half-precision floating point library libit - Information Theory and Signal Processing Library tidyverse: R packages for data science
Visualization, graphics, and multimedia computing: D3.js p5.js Stardust: GPU-based Visualization Library JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit VizSweet NetV.js Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) (UMAP-JS) t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) (Python Wrapper) openTSNE (@Github) Google Charts Compost.js ggplot2 (extensions) VizSweet Gephi: The Open Graph Viz Platform Graphviz (graphviz4matlab) Lumify GLib igraph (igraph wiki) Pajek: (large) network analysis and visualization LiveGraphics3D Lush: Lisp Universal SHell OpenGL SDK CImg Library VTK - Visualization ToolKit FFTW Gandalf restoreInpaint AForge.NET (Image Processing Lab) Weka iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit Advanced Source Code . Com CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library MeshLab JavaView (Interactive Earth, Molecule Viewer) GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library JavaView & webMathematica
Optimization and Algorithms: Practical Optimization: a Gentle Introduction IBM® ILOG® CPLEX® Optimization Studio (IBM Academic Initiative) Gurobi Optimizer (Free Academic License)
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition: MADlib®: Big Data Machine Learning in SQL for Data Scientists Deep Learning Kernel-Machines.Org SVM - Support Vector Machines LIBSVM emotion icon OpenCV (OpenCV Wiki, OpenCV中文网站) GOCR/JOCR (Developer's Page) Tesseract OCR OCRopus(tm) ClaraOCR Kadmos ICR/OCR SDK for IrfanView Intelliant Ocr LOCR OOCR emotion icon Gamera Free Online OCR emotion icon DeepArt Ostagram (Github) neural-style emotion icon face-recognition.js
(Pseudo-)Random Number Generators: RNG @ NIST (NIST Special Publication 800-22 and Statistical Test Suite) Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness TestU01 Robert G. Brown's Dieharder Random Number Test Suite Random Portal @ CAcert Research Lab emotion icon Random Number Generators @ Mersenne Twister PRNG DX Random Number Generators

MATLAB Tools: MATLAB Central Web-enabled image processing operators @ MATLAB中国论坛 Matlab中文论坛 emotion icon Scientific Educational MATLAB Database @ Uni-Stuttgart A collection of MATLAB toolboxes @ SPMC Group, University of Plymouth MATLAB Toolboxes Developed by MIR Lab, Taiwan M2HTML MAT2HTML toPPT emotion icon COLORLAB Colorlab Toolbox @ UJoensuu videoIO Toolbox for Matlab Piotr's Image & Video Toolbox for Matlab Matlab Toolboxes @ (VI(S)TA) Nikola Sprljan's Image&Video Compression Depot VfmDirect: Realtime Direct Show video capture function for Matlab Phil Sallee's Matlab JPEG Toolbox Psychtoolbox MCALab: Signal and Image Decomposition and Inpainting Toolbox of Computational Colour Science using MATLAB matlabPyrTools SaliencyToolbox PRTools: The Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition (perClass) Karl Skretting's Matlab Code for Arithmetic Coding and Huffman Coding dxAvi: A Directshow based AVI read interface for Matlab Mikhail Sitotenko's Convolutional neural network class PMTK (Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave) Nikolay Chumerin's myCNN Laurens van der Maaten's Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction Aalto University's SOM Toolbox Kevin Murphy's Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab WaveLab BeamLab SymmLab SparseLab Software @ Rice DSP Peter Kovesi's Functions for Computer Vision Peter Corke's Machine Vision Toolbox Hplot (Hyper Plot): Signal Data Visualization and Processing Tool Mikhail Sirotenko's CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Class Nikolay Chumerin's myCNNgraphviz4matlab Ali Taylan Cemgil's Graph Layout Generation Package MatlabBGL: a graph library for Matlab VOICEBOX ICALAB GPUmat JLAB Jaroslaw Tuszynski's xml_io_tools Outlier Detection Toolbox Chaotic Systems Toolbox emotion icon Octave (Octave-Forge) Octave <-> Matlab Compatibility Database JMathLib

Human Computation: Human Computation Institute Human Computation (journal) (Blog) Human-Data Interaction (HDI) GWAP (Games With A Purpose) Duolingo Games with Purpose Foldit
Crowdsourcing Internet Marketplaces/Witkey Services: The Best Crowdsourcing Websites & Pay Per Task Sites @ Daily Crowdsource QualityCrowd Framework @ TUM (QualityCrowd2, QualityCrowd) Crowd4U emotion icon Amazon Mechanical Turk (Turk50, TurKit; Mturk Data, Tips For Requesters On Mechanical Turk, International Requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk; Mechanical Turk Tracker) Appen (formerly Figure Eight) Microworkers Crowdee CrowdSource Clickworker TaskRabbit InnoCentive CloudFactory Foule factory hCaptcha emotion icon Fiverr 猪八戒网 (Witmart) 一品威客网 时间财富 威客·K68创意平台·K68易工社 emotion icon Prolific emotion icon PYBOSSA (Crowdcrafting) GridForce Video/Animation Makers: Doodly Toonly EasyVSL VideoScribe emotion icon Scriberia Sci Ani

VI Design (e.g., Logo Makers): thebest10-LOGOMAKER Canva Wix Logo Maker Looka Logo Maker Tailor Brands


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