Cyberspace of Shujun LI
Talks, Panel Discussions, Interviews and Presentations
- 28 November 2024: Invited talk on "Cyber skills development for the higher education sector and beyond", part of the Jisc Security Conference 2024, organised by Jisc, delivered remotely
- 31 October 2024: IET Jennison Lecture 2024 "From data flow analysis to data security, privacy, responsible AI, and more", organised by IET Kent Local Network, held as an in-person event at Sibson Lecture Theatre 3, Sibson Building, University of Kent
- 2 July 2024: Invited talk on "Creating a Cyber Security Research Learned Society", part of the 4th Annual Advances in Cyber Security Education, organised by CSE Connect, held as an in-person event but the talk was delivered remotely
- 17 June 2024: Panellist of the Future of Digital Security workshop, organised by GESDA (Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator), held virtually online
- 8 June 2024: Keynote talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", part of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Cyber Security (CSW 2024), held virtually online
- 31 October 2023: Invited talk on "Developing the Regional Cyber Security Ecosystem in Kent and Medway", part of the 2024 GOETEC Annual Conference, held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 11 October 2023: Invited talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", organized by the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeastern University, China, held virtually online
- 29 August 2023: Invited talk on "From AI for (Cyber) Security to Trustworthy and Responsible AI", part of the EIS 2023 (6th Global Emerging Innovation Summit), held virtually online
- 16 March 2023: Keynote talk on "When Humans and Computers Come Together: Cyber Security, HCI, AI and Beyond", part of the ysec (Why Security) Online Webinar Series, organized by the Information Security Technical Committee (信息安全专委会) of the Shanghai Computer Society (上海市计算机学会) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学), held virtually online
- 8 December 2022: Keynote talk on "How to do (good) research: From the lens of research ethics and integrity", part of the Webinar session on "Scientific Planning and Writing" at the 2022 International Symposium on Resilient and Sustainable Cities & the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the UK China Association of Resources and Environment (UK-CARE) & the 2022 CCOP-RCUG Annual Conference, co-organized by UK-CARE, held virtually online
- 10 November 2022: Panelist of a panel discussion on "Strengthening security practices in education settings - strategies for security and minimising risks, staff awareness and training, and developing recovery and response plans", part of the Westminster Education Forum: Improving cybersecurity in education settings in England, organized by Westminster Forum Projects, held virtually online
- 20 August 2022: Keynote talk on "When Humans and Computers Come Together: A New or Resurged Old Research Paradigm?", 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2022), organized by the Changchun University of Science and Technology, held virtually online
- 29 July 2022: Keynote talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR 2022), organized by the IEEE SMC (Systems, Man, and Cybernetics) Society TCHS (Technical Committee on Homeland Security), held virtually online
- 14 July 2022: Panelist of a panel discussion on "Tackling Human Error", part of the Public Sector Cyber Security 2022, organized by Cognitive Publishing Ltd, held virtually online
- 8 July 2022: Invited talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", part of the Cyber Quarter Seminar Series, organized by Cyber Quarter - Midlands Centre for Cyber Security, held virtually online
- 9 May 2022: Presentation for a half-day workshop on "How to Do (Good) Research? Starting from Scientometrics...", organized by School of Computing, University of Kent, UK, held as a hybrid event
- 20 April 2022: Invited talk for introducing the Institute of Cyber Security for Society (iCSS), organized by Honda Research Institute Europe in Germany, held virtually
- 27 January 2022: Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) End-to-End Encryption Virtual Roundtable, jointly organized by Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Office of Communications (Ofcom), and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), held virtually online
- 11 January 2022: Invited talk "Funding opportunities for ECRs (Early Career Researchers)", 2022 3rd UK Cyber Security PhD Winter School, organized by the University of Surrey, University of Bristol, University of Kent, University of Lancaster, RHUL (Royal Holloway, University of London), Northumbria University, and NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre), UK, held virtually online
- 19 December 2021: Keynote talk on "Socio-technical Aspects of Privacy: Looking through the Lens of Time", PriCom 2021 (7th International Symposium on Privacy Computing), organized by CISPC (Chinese Information Processing Society of China, 中国中文信息学会), held virtually online
- 4 December 2021: Panelist of a roundtable discussion on "Net-Zero and Digital Technologies", UK-China Tech Summit 2021, organized by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) of Imperial College London, held virtually online
- 20 November 2021: Keynote talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", 2021 4th International Conference on Big Data Security and Privacy Computing (大数据安全与隐私计算会议2021), organized by CISPC (Chinese Information Processing Society of China, 中国中文信息学会), held virtually online
- 6 November 2021: Panel discussion on cyberspace and cyber security, "Battlefields of the Future" - a University of Kent student-led hybrid conference (; ), organized by the Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS), University of Kent, held virtually
- 29 September 2021: Invited talk on "Privacy through the Lens of Data Flows", Webinaire Cybersécurité et véhicules connectés, organized by GIS CybCOM, held virtually
- 23 September 2021: Invited talk on "From AI for Security to Secure, Privacy-Friendly And 'Good' AI", AI Summit London 2021, London, UK
- 24 August 2021: Keynote talk on "Privacy in the Cyber-Physical World: Challenges and Solutions", KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Hybrid Cloud and Cybersecurity Summit 2021, held virtually online
- 19 June 2021: Invited talk on "Observer-Resistant Password Systems: How hard to make them both usable and secure?", 2021 International Cryptography and Coding Frontier Symposium (密码与编码前沿国际研讨会2021), held virtually online
- 2 February 2021: Invited talk on "When Humans and Computers Come Together: A New or Resurged Old Research Paradigm?", Middlesex University Computer Science Colloquium, held virtually online, organized by Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University London, UK
- 2 December 2020: Panel discussion on "How security leader's approach IAM in the Zero-Trust model", Cyber Security Solutions Summit 2020, held virtually online, organized by Closerstill Media
- 24 October 2020: Invited keynote talk "Data Privacy in the Cyber-Physical World: Looking through the Lens of Complex Networks", IWCFTA 2020 (13th International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications), held virtually online
- 22 August 2020: Invited keynote talk "When will passwords die? Research challenges and opportunities in user authentication", 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Network Security (CCNS 2020), held virtually online
- 22 July 2020: Invited talk "When will passwords die? Research challenges and opportunities in user authentication", Global Academic Week 2020, organized by the Dongguan University of Technology (DGUT, 东莞理工学院), held virtually online
- 29 January 2020: Invited panelist discussing relationships between, AI, humans and cyber security, FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum) 2020 in Lille, France
- 13 January 2020: Invited talk "When will passwords die? Research challenges and opportunities in user authentication", 2020 UK PhD Winter School on Cyber Security, organized by the University of Newcastle, the University of Bristol, NCSC and EPSRC, held at the University of Newcastle, UK
- 9 January 2020: Panel discussion "Data Privacy and Cyber Security", part of ENTER 2020 (International eTourism Conference), the 27th Annual Conference Organized by IFITT, University of Surrey, UK
- 29 May 2019: Invited interview by Oz Alashe of CybSafe on "Privacy, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything", PeepSec 2019, London, UK
- 29 April 2019: Panel discussion on cyber security education and research, CPHC (Council of Professors and Heads of Computing) Annual Conference 2019, Middlesex University, London, UK
- 24 April 2019: Interview on UK government's announcement regarding allowing Huawei to participate in "non-core" part of 5G development in the UK, interviewed by KMTV, Canterbury, UK
- 3 December 2018: Invited talk on Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security (KirCCS) at a Kent Connects event in Cyber Security, in Maidstone, Kent, UK.
- 7 December 2017: Research Institute in Science of Cyber Security (RISCS) and Project ACCEPT (Addressing Cybersecurity and Cybercrime via a co-Evolutionary aPproach to reducing human-relaTed risks), invited talk and panelist at the 21st LAPFF (Local Authority Pension Fund Forum) Conference 2017, Bournemouth, UK
- 20 November 2017: Project ACCEPT (Addressing Cybersecurity and Cybercrime via a co-Evolutionary aPproach to reducing human-relaTed risks), invited talk at Workshop on Economics and Human Aspects of Cyber-Security, organized by the School of Economics, University of Kent, UK in Canterbury, UK
- 31 August 2017: Invited keynote talk "A new paradigm of information hiding? Hiding in activities of the cyber-physical-social world", CUING 2017 (1st International Workshop on Criminal Use of Information Hiding), an associated workshop of ARES 2017 (12th International ARES Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security)
- 7 July 2017: Invited 3-hour tutorial "Human Factors in Cyber Security: User authentication as a use case", 2017 Summer School on "Human Factor in Systems Safety and Security", organized by the Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University, UK and sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Society
- 6 June 2017: Pass∞ (PassInfinity): A new “all in one” multi-factor user authentication framework, invited talk at a quarterly meeting of HESCA (Higher Education Smart Campus Association)
- 31 May 2017: Observer-Resistant Password Systems: How hard to make them both usable and secure?, invited talk at the 2nd Annual Bath PGR Conference on Computer Science (BCCS 2017), University of Bath, UK
- 28 April 2017: Observer-Resistant Password Systems: How hard to make them both usable and secure?, invited talk at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I²R), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
- 27 April 2017: Observer-Resistant Password Systems: How hard to make them both usable and secure?, invited talk at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
- 25 April 2017: Observer-Resistant Password Systems: How hard to make them both usable and secure?, invited talk at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore
- 3 February 2017: Human/User-Centric Security, invited talk at Digital: Definition Unknown, the Fast Stream Conference 2017, organized by UK Government's Civil Service Fast Stream
Invited Talk
Public Talk
Invited Talks
- 4 August 2015: Observer-Resistant Password Systems (ORPSs): Usability vs. Security, invited talk at the Interaction Design Centre (IDC) Seminar Series, Middlesex University, UK
- 10 June 2015: Digital and Multimedia Forensics, invited talk at the Wellcome Forensic Evening, Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, UK
- 27 March 2015: Observer-Resistant Password Systems (ORPSs): Security vs. Usability, invited talk at the Information Security Group (ISG) weekly seminar series, Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL), UK
Invited Talk
Invited Talks
Conference Presentation
Invited Talk
Conference Presentations
- 13 September, 2011: Recovering Missing Coefficients in DCT-Transformed Images, poster presentation at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2011), Brussels, Belgium
- 20 July, 2011: Poster: Captchæcker – Automating Usability-Security Evaluation of Textual CAPTCHAs, poster presentation at the 7th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2011), Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 2 March, 2011: hPIN/hTAN: A Lightweight and Low-Cost e-Banking Solution against Untrusted Computers, oral presentation at the 15th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2011), Bay Gardens Beach Resort, St. Lucia
Invited Talks
- 15 December, 2010: How to Break Financial CAPTCHAs in China and Elsewhere, invited talk at the Asian Lounge on Trust, Security and Privacy Workshop of 2nd International Conference on Trusted Systems (INTRUST 2010), Beijing, China
- 12 May, 2010: New Directions in Multimedia Encryption, invited talk at the ESAT-COSIC, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 23 March, 2010: Usable Security: Making Passwords More Usable with Graphics, presented at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
Conference Presentations
- 9 December, 2010: Breaking e-Banking CAPTCHAs, oral presentation at the 26th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2010), Austin, Texas, USA
- 28 September, 2010: An Improved DC Recovery Method from AC Coefficients of DCT-Transformed Images, poster presentation at the 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010), Hong Kong, China
- 25 May, 2010: Breaking Randomized Linear Generation Functions based Virtual Password System, oral presentation at Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, the 35th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa
- 15 February, 2010: DCT Magic: Recovering DC Coefficients from AC Ones, oral presentation at the Multimedia Signal Processing Group Seminar, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
- 25 January, 2010: hPIN/hTAN: Low-Cost e-Banking Secure against Untrusted Computers, poster presentation at the 14th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2010), Tenerife, Canary Islands
Invited Talk
Conference Presentations
- 11 December 2008: Human Iterative Proofs: Bring Humans Back into the Picture of Cryptography, oral presentation at the Joure Fixe Program of the Zukunftskolleg, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
- 3 November 2008: Crypto++, oral persentation at the Workshop Adaption und Selbstorganisation in verteilten Systemen, organized by the FernUniversität Hagen in Mallorca, Spain
- 17 July 2008: Multimedia, Chaos and Cryptography, oral presentation in Room Z714, Prof. Dietmar Saupe's group on Multimedia Signal Processing, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Invited Talk
- 23 August 2007: Analog Chaos-Based Secure Communications: A Cryptanalyst's Survey, invited talk hosted by Dr. Alejandro Ricardo Femat Flores and Dr. Juan Gonzalo Barajas Ramírez, presented at División de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Cientifica y Tecnológica, A.C., San Luis Potosí, México
- 3 September 2007: Analog Chaos-Based Secure Communications and Cryptanalysis: A Brief Survey, oral presentation at PhysCon'2007 Conference, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
- 16 August 2007: Analog Chaos-Based Secure Communications: A Survey, internal seminar presented at Lehrgebiet Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Germany
- 15 May, 2007: A Cryptanalyst's Research: From Chaotic Cryptography to Multimedia Security, an introductory talk about Shujun LI's cryptanalytic work, presented at Lehrgebiet Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Germany
Invited Talks
- 11 November 2005: Analog Chaos-Based Secure Communications, invited talk hosted by Prof. Chuanjun Tian and Prof. Zhen Ji, presented at the College of Information Technology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
- 14 January 2005 : Chaotic Cryptography (2): Digital Chaotic Ciphers, invited talk hosted by Prof. Gang Hu, presented at the Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
- 13 January 2005: Chaotic Cryptography (1): (Analog) Chaos-Based Secure Communications, invited talk hosted by Prof. Gang Hu, presented at the Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China (This talk was also delivered on 17 December 2004, in the internal senimar series of CCCS, City University of Hong Kong.)
- 7 May 2004: On Digital Degradation of Chaos-Based Analog Device Implementation, oral presentation in Room CD634, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (This is a public lecture for the Chao and System Control Seminar Series, which was jointly sponsored by CCCS of CityU and Dept. EIE of PolyU. More information on this talk can be found in Sec. 2.5 and Chap. 3 of Shujun LI's PhD thesis.)
PhD Thesis Defense
- 20 June 2003 : Analyses and New Design of Digital Chaotic Ciphers, PhD thesis defense, presented at the Institute of Information Research, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
- 21 September 2002: Public Technical Lecture on My Ph. D. Thesis and My Research at MSRA, presented at the Institute of Image Processing, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
- September 2002: Secure Human-Computer Identification against Peeping Attacks (SecHCI): A Survey, presented at the Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
- April 2002: Trustworthy Computing in My Mind: A Case Study on Visual Password, presented at the Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
- April 2002: How and Why Do I Choose Chaotic Cryptography as the Topic of My Dissertation, presented at the Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
- March 2002: On the Road to the Naissance of a Good Technical Papers in CS & EEE, presented at the Institute of Image Processing, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China (an initial version was presented in December 2001 at the College of Information Technology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China)
Closed Discussion
- 17 October 2002 : HumanAut (or SecHCI: Secure Human-Computer Identification System against Peeping Attacks), presented in the back garden of the Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing, China (This is a presentation for discussion with Prof. Manuel Blum when he visited Beijing to attend the MSRA-organized conference "Computing in 21st Centuty" 2002.)
Invited Talk
Conference Presentation
- August 2000: Research on Non-Linear Dynamic Systems Employing Color Space, presented at the 5th International Conference on Signal Processing (WCC-ICSP 2000), 21-25 August, 2000, Beijing, China
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