English TEX Tools
- sync_tex_bib
(last released on 20210711) A PHP script for tidying a .bib file and synchronise it with the .tex file using the .bib file. It was derived from Martin Rebane's bib-matcher v1.0, but has been substantially rewritten and extended to support a range of new features and future extensions.
(released on 20080326): Do you want to add a dynamic digital clock and a stopwatch on selected pages of your pdf file? This file is a solution to your purpose. To add the clock and/or the stopwatch, you only need to add a line "\input clock.tex" in the preamble of your tex file. You can also edit the contents of clock.tex to change the appearance and behavior of the clock and/or the stopwatch, though which needs some basic knowledge about JavaScript. This solution is based on AcroTEX's insDLJS package. However, you don't need to bother yourself about how to install AcroTEX in your system, because the two needed files have been included in the downloaded zip file.
Note: The current edition of AcroTEX's insDLJS package has a minor bug about the dvips option, which makes the distiller fail to generate a valid .pdf file from the .ps file. I corrected this bug by commenting some code in the insDLJS package. To differentiate this modified edition from the original one, I renamed the package to insDLJS2. If you don't use dvips to generate the pdf file, then it is OK to use the original insDLJS package. -
(released on 20040508) The original version of pdftricks was developed by Radhakrishnan CV and Rajagopal CV of India TUG to support pstricks packages in pdfTEX. But the latest version (v 1.1.6) of pdftricks still has some bugs and problems. So hooklee enhanced this version for MiKTEX by solving the following problems: a bug about the judgement of \witre18 commans, transparent background, pst2pdf.exe for windows.
(released on 20050523): An enhanced shell of three well-known image convertors - Ghostscript, ImageMagick and IrfanView, which can support more than 30 image formats. The current version is 0.22. The main functions include batch conversion, subdirectory searching, multi-page support, etc. (gz-compressed eps conversion is supported now via PowerArchiver 2004 Command Line).
(released on 20050520): A command-line tool for manipulating Windows Registry and Environment Variables, with some special functions supporting MiKTEX, Java2 RE, Ghostscript, etc., and some internal functions for the ChinaTEX setup program. No document is available, but some examples can be found by typing "EnvRegTool -examples" in the command prompt. The current version is 1.08.
(released on 20050519): A command-line tool for replacing all substrings in a config file. It was originally developed by hooklee for the ChinaTEX setup program, but can also be used for other purposes.
Chinese TEX Tools
- 注1:在较新版的MiKTEX下编译老的xjtuthesis文档,可能出现异常的hyperref编译错误,请将您的xjtuthesis更新到 20030914以后的版本。
- 注2:xjtuthesis文档类不提供中英双语目录的功能,如果您的博士论文有此要求,请参考由ctex.org论坛的reds网友提供的一个例子。
- 注3:西安交通大学研究生院于2004年公布了新的博士论文格式标准,与xjtuthesis所支持的格式有一些出入,请下载一个做了适当修改的新版 xjtuthesis_new文档类(20090224更新)。
- 注4:当使用dvipdfmx任选项时,您的TEX系统中需要存在dvipdfmx.def文件供color.sty宏包读取相关设置,如果您的TEX系统里面没有这个文件,请点击这里下载一份样本文件。
hooklee在早期的gbkfonts(Qiang HE & L. WANG, Yin WANG - shredder先后设计开发)基础上开发的TEX工具,用于为MiKTEX安装/卸载CJK亚洲TTF字库并生成/删除相关字体所需的各种文件配置,目前版本0.5.3.1(20110409更新)。请阅读压缩包中的xGBKFonts.txt文件查看说明,直接在命令行下键入xGBKFonts查看命令行开关和参数。xGBKFonts.ini是可更改的系统配置文件,请阅读文件开头的说明再进行相关修改。
TEX Resources
TEX Communities: CTAN

Chinese TEX: CTEX (论坛; CTeXKit) ChinaTEX MTEX CCT TYTeX (天元) ttf-MiKTEX TTFSetup

TEX Projects: pdfTEX (pdfTEX@feashmeat) ConTEXt (ConTEXt Wiki) DVIPDFMx AcroTEX dvips Omega

TEX Editors:

Related Tools:

TEX People
Prof. (Emeritus) Donald E. Knuth

Dr. Leslie Lamport: The father of LATEX
Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach: The core members of the LATEX3 Project, the main authors of The LaTeX Companion and The LaTeX Graphics Companion
Hàn Thế Thành: The father of pdfTEX.
His PhD dissertation: Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system (2.32MB)
Hans Hagen: The father of ConTeXt
D. P. Story: The father of AcroTEX
Prof. Dr. Till Tantau: The father of beamer and PGF Dr. Christian Feuersänger: The father of pgfplots
陈志杰、赵书钦、李树钧、万福永,《LATEX入门与提高》(第二版),高等教育出版社,中国北京,2006年5月,ISBN:7-04-019379-5,238页,附ChinaTEX CD版光盘(20060111版)一张,定价:人民币44.8元 [在线销售地址] |
ChinaTEX是hooklee(Shujun LI的网名)多年前开发的一个中文TEX套装软件包,它的主要特点是:- 以MiKTEX Direct CD为基础,包含了几乎全部MiKTEX的系统文件,只需简单配置(主要是设置执行TEX程序必须的搜索路径)可以从光盘直接运行完整的英文TEX系统;
- 除常用的CJK以外,ChinaTEX还集成了一些扩展的中文支持,包括LATEX2HTML、TEX4ht、ConTeXt、Omega、CCT以及天元TEX系统等,这些需要安装才能使用;
- 补充了一些MiKTEX中未带的宏包,这包括很多著名科技出版社的LATEX宏包、大部分中文学术论文宏包等等;
- 同时集成了大部分常用的外围软件支持,包括Java2运行时环境、Perl解释器、Ghostscript、Gsview、ImageMagick、Adobe Reader等;
- 附带了大量的中英文TEX/LATEX文档以及中文模板供用户参考;
- 对集成的TEX编辑器WinEdt进行了优化配置,在工具条区域增加了较多的快捷按钮,以满足各类不同用户的扩展需求;
- 鉴于目前绝大多数常用的中文字体都是商业作品,直接在套装中捆绑中文字体会带来版权问题,ChinaTEX的安装程序从用户本地的中文字体现场生成需要的中文TEX字体和相关配置文件;
- 支持用户定制功能,用户可以自行增删texmf目录下的文件,也可以对MiKTEXDirect、WinEdt安装压缩包中的文件进行随意处理,另外,修改根目录的配置文件ChinaTeX.ini还可以定制中文字体以及其他一些安装设置。
ChinaTEX DVD版 (20060918版)
这是ChinaTEX的普通版,需要较大空间,只能刻录在DVD盘上、存放在硬盘上或者通过虚拟光驱的形式使用。供下载的7z压缩包大小720MB,MD5 checksum为8B793974378DFD105B08B962A516EFCF;解压后的iso虚拟光盘镜像文件大小1.46GB,MD5 checksum为ED4D088698B24EF3CC20EB3928325227。
ChinaTEX CD版 (20060111版)
这是ChinaTEX的《LATEX入门与提高》随书光盘版本。该版本把全部文件以7z压缩包的形式保存在一张80分钟格式的CD盘上,因此不能从光盘直接运行TEX系统,必须安装到硬盘才能使用。下载压缩包大小658MB, MD5 checksum为C02A82C5D8E77DAD7721EFF9F38D0AA5;解压后的iso虚拟光盘镜像文件大小702MB,MD5 checksum为B4A9D6411232D42D6FC55DA47BD71564。 鉴于CD版的需求较少,从20060111版后不再提供新版。如有需要请从DVD版自行转制。
如果不想下载上面给出的ChinaTEX的两个iso文件,或者没有足够的带宽下载过大的文件,您也可以仅下载DVD 版核心文件 (8.68MB),然后参考下面的DIY步骤制作自己的ChinaTEX系统。- 将上述压缩包解压到一个目录,这里假设为 D:\ChinaTeX。
- 到MiKTeX网站或者CTAN网站下载MiKTEX Direct CD 2.4(注意MiKTEX 2.5+版本已与ChinaTEX中包含的MiKTEX 2.4不完全兼容)的最新版,将整个texmf目录复制到D:\ChinaTeX。
- 点击这里下载ChinaTEX 中增补/更新的texmf文件(20060918更新,7z压缩包大小65.4MB,MD5 checksum为C65B168EF59571C3BEC0CEBCE355440D,解压后大小237MB),并将其解压到D:\ChinaTeX\texmf目录(如提示有同名文件,请选择覆盖)。
- 如果您有自己收集制作的其他增补文件,如中文相关的文件,请将其增加到D:\ChinaTeX\texmf目录,注意这些文件并未包含在文件名数据库中,您需要在安装好系统后刷新本地文件名数据库才能使用这些文件。
收集外围程序:ActivePerl、Ghostcript、Java SE、ImageMagick、Gsview、Adobe Reader,将安装程序分别放在D:\ChinaTeX\Extras目录的下述子目录:ActivePerl、Ghostscript、Java2RE-SE、ImageMagick、Gsview、 Adobe。您也可以点击本页前面的链接下载最新版本的ChinaTEX中包含的这部分程序。
- 注1:如果您没有将外围程序放在D:\ ChinaTeX\Extras下的指定子目录,或者下载的外围程序版本、文件名不同,请修改D:\ChinaTeX\ChinaTeX.ini文件中的相关路径。
- 注2:在Win9X/ME/NT操作系统下安装Activeperl可能需要Microsoft Installer支持,安装ImageMagick可能需要MSVB 6.0虚拟机支持,请点击这里下载相关文件(3.8MB),并将解压后的文件放在D:\ChinaTeX\Extras\System目录下。
- 注3:关于手工制作ChinaTEX系统的更多信息,请阅读D:\ChinaTeX\手工安装指南.txt。