This web page is a collection of resources for digital and multimedia forensics research. It covers not only research-oriented resources, but also those focusing on standards, best practices of law enforcement agencies and forensic professionals, legislation, accreditation, education and relevant media coverage.
General Resources
Web Sites
Digital Forensic Database @ Dartmouth College
Forensics Wiki
Computer Forensics, Cybercrime and Steganography Resources @
Computer Forensics, Cybercrime and Steganography Resources
Brian Carrier's Digital Investigation / Forensics and Evidence Research
Kulesh Shanmugasundaram's Forensics Links
Dave Dittrich's Forensics Links
GCK's Cybercrime and Cyberforensics-related URLs

The Game of Fraud)

International Stop Cyberbullying Youth Summit)

National Fraud Database,
Internal Fraud Database)
Fraud Quotes & Captions 2020 – FraudAvengers
Forensic Multimedia Analysis Blog
Windows Incident Response Blog
The Digital Standard
An Eye on Forensics
A Fistful of Dongles
The Apple Examiner
Michael Spreitzenbarth's (mobile) forensic blog
Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar's Forensic Cop
Books and Reports
Anthony T. S. Ho and Shujun Li (Editors), Handbook of Digital Forensics of Multimedia Data and Devices
(e-book @ MyLibrary; e-book @ Wiley, Apple iBooks, e-book @ Google Books, book @ Amazon), 680 pages (e-book 704 pages), 16 chapters, ISBN: 978-1-118-64050-0 (e-book ISBN: 978-1-118-70579-7), September 2015 (Companion Website)
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and IEEE Press
James R. Lyle, Douglas R. White and Richard P. Ayers, "Digital Forensics at the National Institute of Standards and Technology," NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR) 7490, April 2008
Rick Ayers, Wayne Jansen, Ludovic Moenner and Aurelien Delaitre, Cell Phone Forensic Tools: An Overview and Analysis Update," NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR) 7387, March 2007
DFRWS (Digital Forensic Research Workshop)
CDESF (Common Digital Evidence Storage Format Working Group), "Survey of Disk Image Storage Formats," Version 1.0, September 2006
Graeme R. Newman and Megan M. McNally, Identity Theft Literature Review, DoJ Document No. 210459, National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), July 2005
Federal Evidence Review
Federal Rules of Evidence;
Key Evidence Cases)
Forensics Tools, Exchange Formats and Datasets
Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT)
Mobile Devices)
National Software Reference Library (NSRL)
National Repository for Digital Forensic Intelligence (NRDFI)
Digital Forensics Tool Testing Images
The disktype File System Sampler
EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) Enron PST Data Set
EDRM Enron Email Data Set v2)
Dresden Image Database (for source device identification)
Columbia Uncompressed Image Splicing Detection Evaluation Dataset
Columbia Image Splicing Detection Evaluation Dataset
CASIA Tampered Image Detection Evaluation Database
Image Manipulation Dataset @ University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
DBForgery 1.0 @ IPLab, University of Catania, Italy
Dataset of "Image Tamper Detection Based on Demosaicing Artifacts" @ Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Dataset of "Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera Identification From Traces of Sensor Dust" @ Polytechnic Institute of NYU
MICC Copy-Move Datasets
Commercial Software
Guidance Software (part of OpenText):
EnCase® Forensic
EnCase Forensic Academic Program)
EnCase® Portable
Computer Forensics:
AccessData Forensic Toolkit® (FTK®)
X-Ways Forensics
X-Ways Investigator

Forensic Explorer (FEX)™,
Virtual Live Boot)
Helix3 Pro
Passware Kit Forensic
Microsoft COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor)
Multimedia Forensics:
Belkasoft Forgery Detection Plugin
Amped Authenticate
Microsoft PhotoDNA
Anti-Forensics & Privacy Protection:
Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro
Steganos Privacy Suite
Consumer Warning: Scam Artists Want Your Money
Open-Source Software and Freeware
Forensic Control's list of Free computer forensic tools
Computer Forensics:
SANS SIFT Kit/Workstation: Investigative Forensic Toolkit
Knoppix STD (Security Tools Distribution)
(R)ecovery (I)s (P)ossible Linux rescue system
J.A.F.A.T. - Archive of Forensics Analysis Tools
Live Forensic Toolkit (LFT) @ Masterkey Linux
ALT Linux Rescue
The Sleuth Kit (TSK)
Open Source Digital Forensics
AFFLIB (Advanced Forensics Format Library)
aimage – the Advanced Disk Imager,
tcpflow — A TCP Flow Recorder;
Foremost (file recovrey tool)
Maltego Community Version
NFI Defraser
Forensic Acquisition Utilities
Live View
PyFlag (Forensic and Log Analysis GUI)
Registry Decoder
Windows File Analyzer
Forensics Tools @ woanware
EnCase Forensic Imager
Free Oxygen Forensic® Suite (Standard)
Belkasoft Acquisition Tool (BelkaImager)
Belkasoft RAM Capturer
Memory Forensics:
VOLIX (Volatility Interface & Extensions)
LiME - Linux Memory Extractor
Mandiant Redline®
Mandiant Memoryze™
Memoryze™ for the Mac
Tools for Accessing Files and System Info:
Free tools from DiskInternals Research
Linux Reader)
Paragon ExtFS for Windows®
analyzeMFT (a Python tool to deconstruct the Windows NTFS $MFT file)
Windows shellbag forensics
Rifiuti (A Recycle Bin Forensic Analysis Tool)
Webscavator (a visualisation suite for the analysis of internet history)
Pasco (An Internet Explorer activity forensic analysis tool)
Galleta (An Internet Explorer Cookie Forensic Analysis Tool)
libmsiecf (Library and tools to access the Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File files)
file (Guesses file type based on magic header and footer values)
libewf (a library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format)
libesedb (Library and tools to access the Extensible Storage Engine Database File)
liblnk (Library and tools to access the Windows Shortcut File)
eCryptfs Parser
libnk2 (Library and tooling to support the Microsoft Outlook Nickfile)
libpff (library and tools to analyze Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder Files)
UnDBX (Tool to extract, recover and undelete e-mail messages from Outlook Express .dbx files)
peepdf (PDF Analysis Tool)
Forensic Hashing Tools:
md5deep and hashdeep
DeepToad (a library and a tool to clusterize similar files using fuzzy hashing)
Quick Hash GUI
pHash: The open source perceptual hash library
phasher: A naive perceptual hasher for php
Network Forensics:
Spider @ Cornell
tcpdump (a powerful command-line packet analyzer) & libpcap (a portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture)
pytbull (a python based flexible IDS/IPS testing framework)
Social Snapshots: Digital Forensics for Online Social Networks
Mobile/Small Device Forensics:
NowSecure Forensics Suite (Community Edition)
NowSecure App Testing Suite (Community Edition)
Burner Phone Forensic Resources
viaForensics AFLogical (Open source focrensic application to extract data from Android devices)
TULP2G - forensic framework for extracting and decoding data
TULP2G (a .NET based forensic software framework for extracting and decoding data stored in electronic devices)
rapi tools (A collection of tools to do many things to a windows CE device via Activesync/RAPI)
RFIDIOt (an open source python library for exploring RFID devices)
Anti-Forensics & Privacy Protection:
ParetoLogic Privacy Controls
Detect and Eliminate Computer Acquired Forensics (DECAF)
All information on this website is for personal use and Shujun Li is not responsible for any misuse of information provided. The listed links on any page do not indicate any personal recommendations for any purposes for the visitors of this website, as each link is included for a different reason meaningful for Shujun Li's personal use. Logo files of websites are used to facilitate recognition of the external links, and does not represent endorsement of the corresponding websites for the content of this website. If the use of any logo file violates the copyrights or policies of any individuals or organisations, please contact Shujun Li so that he can removes the logo file or the whole link. Please also help report broken links and broken images on this website.