Cyberspace of Shujun LI



Some General Resources: Have I been pwned? (pwned websites) Firefox Monitor (Breaches) World's Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks @ Information is Beautiful Biggest data breaches in history @ Comparitech Blog Digital Attack Map Live World Wide Attacks @ SonicWall Identity Leak Checker @ Hasso Plattner Institute DeHashed Unified Cyber Ontology (UCO) emotion icon awesome-threat-intelligence 知道创宇Seebug洞悉漏洞 360安全大脑 (360APT全景雷达) 奇安信威胁情报中心 (APT组织地图) 安恒威胁分析平台 (APT组织列表) Watcher Lab's 威胁情报Feed系统 (APT报告) emotion icon Dark Reading Quantiki The Security Skeptic Economics and Security Resource Page Economics of Security Bibliography Wireless Sensor Networks Security CyberBitsEtc emotion icon Cryptoportal MysteryTwister emotion icon Handbook of Applied Cryptography Cryptology Timeline @ SCAN (Standard Cryptographic Algorithm Naming) (mirror) sci.crypt.research Forum On Risks To The Public In Computers And Related Systems Helger Lipmaa's Cryptology Pointers Prof. Matt Blaze's Cryptography Resource CryptoStats Jan's List of Cryptographers Neil's Security and Privacy Resources Crypto Lounge CryptoDox Crypto Law Survey Cryptograph Resources Ciphers By Ritter The Pairing-Based Crypto Lounge Side Channel Attacks Database Open-source PKI Book

Mailing Lists: CYBERSECURITY-TIPS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Newcastle Cybercrime Network Mailing List emotion icon List for public announcements of IFIP TC 11 SECURITY@FOSAD.ORG FBSEC - Freie Diskussion im Fachbereich Sicherheit PET - Discussion of privacy enhancing technologies Announcements related to the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) vizsec - Visualization for Cyber Security community Forum on Socio-Technical Security Research Data-protection-scholars

MITRE Corporation: CAPEC™ (Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification) Making Security Measurable CVE™ (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) CWE™ (Common Weakness Enumeration) MAEC™ (Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization)

Cyber Security and Online Safety Awareness and Education

Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Nonprofit Cyber Safer Internet Day European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) Cyber Aware BBC WebWise Nominet Cyber Assist Cyber Essentials The Cyber Trust Agents of Influence National Cyber Security Centre Group (NCRCG) CyberFish Anti-Bullying Alliance emotion icon Cyber Security Challenge (CyberGamesUK) VIVIDA Productions Ltd Esc - The Cyber Escape Room Co. / Capture the Talent Ltd. Xcapism Learning Ltd emotion icon National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) Get Safe Online Cyber Readiness Institute Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) The Cybersmile Foundation emotion icon iBarry - Cyber Security & Sicheres Surfen im Netz (Switzerland) CECyF Prévention - Le site de prévention du CECyF / ARRÊTE-TOI. RÉFLÉCHIS. CONNECTE-TOI. (France) Cybervolunteers (Spain) Cyber Security Awareness Alliance (Singapore) emotion icon PrivacyHub (CyberGhost Research Team)

Cyber Security and Online Safety for Kids and Young People: DCMS 2022 report "Mapping informal cyber security initiatives for young people aged 5-19" (list of interventions) emotion icon NCSC's CyberFirst (CyberFirst Schools and Colleges; CyberFirst Navigators; QA's CyberFirst courses) NCSC's CyberSprinters DCMS's Cyber Explorers CyberEPQ: CIISec's Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in Cyber Security CyberStart Cyber Access Hub @ UK Cyber Security Council (UKCSC) National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) (Year 9: Introduction of cybersecurity, GCSE: Network security, Non-GCSE: Online safety) emotion icon Childnet International (Digiduck®, STAR SEND Toolkit, Childnet Digital Leaders Programme)™ (Digital Matters, UKCIS Digital Passport, My Family's Digital Toolkit, Digital Resilience Toolkit; UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group) SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning Trust Ltd) (ProjectEVOLVE, 360safe: Online Safety Self-Review Tool for Schools, 360 Early Years) SEGfL (South East Grid for Learning Trust Ltd) LGfL (London Grid for Learning Trust Ltd) Medway Grid for Learning (MGfL) Parent Zone (Parent Zone SEND) 5Rights Foundation Kidscape SafeToNet Foundation (SafeToNet) The Breck Foundation Thinkuknow The Cyber Helpline Cyber Champions Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Hampshire's Cyber Ambassador Scheme Safe4me Defend Digital Me emotion icon International Association of Internet Hotlines (INHOPE) Better Internet for Kids (BIK) eSafety Label The School of Social Networks Cybersecurity Lab @ PBS NOVA Labs A Parents' Guide to Internet Safety for Kids @ PrivacyHub (CyberGhost Research Team) emotion icon Google Families Google Safety Centre - Families Google Family Link (mobile app) Be Internet Awesome (Interland) Be Internet Legends Spoofy Be Internet Citizens Out of the Shadows Cyber Girls First Common Sense Media The Bongles emotion icon Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) Socio-Technical Interaction Research (STIR) Lab, University of Central Florida, USA (Adolescent Online Safety) Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe) Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) AFRUCA Safeguarding Children Cybersecurity Education Initiaitive (CYSED) Cyber Ambassador (Cyber Safe India) Cybersafe Foundation (Africa) (Cybersmart Child, CyberGirls, DigiGirls, No Go Fall Maga) emotion icon Online media literacy resources @ UK DCMS Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT) (Media Literacy teaching resources) Shout Out UK Media Literature Centre Media Literacy Ireland (Be Media Smart_ = STOP / THINK / CHECK_) CTRL-F emotion icon CYBER.ORG emotion icon ICO's Age Appropriate Design Code 2020 Games Rating Authority (PEGI, Pan European Game Information) International Age Rating Coalition (IARC)


Professional Bodies and Experts Groups: IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative (IEEE Center for Secure Design) IEEE Computer Society (Technical Committee on Security and Privacy) ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) International Financial Cryptography Association (IFCA) Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) (APWG.EU) European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) emotion icon Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) (Institute of Cyber Digital Investigation Professionals (ICDIP)) ISC2 - International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) Information Security Forum (ISF) Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) CyberRisk Alliance Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P) Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) ASIS International European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA) (PRISM International, a division of i-SIGMA, NAID, a division of i-SIGMA) Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC) OpenPGP Alliance OSA (Online Safety Act) Network

National CSIRTs and Related Bodies: National CIRT @ ITU Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) CERT Division, Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Open CSIRT Foundation Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) Organisation of The Islamic Cooperation – Computer Emergency Response Teams (OIC-CERT) Africa Computer Emergency Response Team (AfricaCERT) emotion icon CERT-EU (Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies) EU CSIRTs Network (EU CSIRTs by Country - Interactive Map) TF-CSIRT (TF-CSIRT Trusted Introducer, TRANSITS) European Government CERTs (EGC) group European Computer Security Incident Response Team Network ( emotion icon National Cyber Security Centre (UK) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Other Governmental Bodies: Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (NCCoE - National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, NICE - National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education; CSRC - Computer Security Resource Center, Cryptographic Toolkit, Random Number Generation and Testing, SCAP - Security Content Automation Protocol, XCCDF (The Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format)) National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) Cyber Security and Information Systems Information Analysis Center (CSIAC) Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) Internet Crime Complaint Center (US) ACCURATE: A Center for Correct, Usable, Reliable, Auditable, and Transparent Elections EDRI - European Digital Rights

Security Media: WIRED Motherboard/VICE Media Ars Technica Information Security Media Group (ISMG) SC Magazine (US, UK, Australasia, Asia) Infosecurity Europe

Network Security

Internet Security: Let's Encrypt Access Now DoS Attack Resources OECD - Task Force on Spam Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) Network Abuse Clearinghouse (Fight Spam on the Internet) Cryptovirology Labs Internet of Things Privacy Forum emotion icon The Honeynet Project Honeypots: Monitoring and Forensics Project Project Honey Pot @ Unspam Technologies, Inc. Honeypots: Tracking Hackers (by Thorsten Holz) emotion icon (Network Steganography)

Web Security: W3C Security Home (XML Encryption Working Group, XML Signature Working Group, Web Security Context Working Group, XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group, XML Key Management Working Group) OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) TC OASIS Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC SAML Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)


Datasets and Testbeds: emotion icon AndroZoo Android malware datasets VirusShare SandDroid @ XJTU AMD (Android Malware Dataset) Drebin Dataset UNB Android Adware and General Malware Dataset Android PRAGuard Dataset contagio mobile Kharon Malware Dataset emotion icon Zone-H MIRROR-H H@CK M1RROR ZONE Defacer.ID SOLDIERX.COM Hacker Database RISI (Repository of Industrial Security Incidents) emotion icon IMPACT (Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust) program, formerly known as PREDICT (Protected Repository for the Defense of Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats) Publicly available PCAP files @ NETRESEC AB GÉANT Network Data - BRIAN (Backbone Router Interface Analytics) @ Grafana Lab emotion icon Internet Traffic Archive Traces MAWI Working Group Traffic Archive UMassTraceRepository (MAWILab) pcapr WITS: Waikato Internet Traffic Storage TOTEM dataset University of Oregon Route Views Archive LBNL/ICSI Enterprise Network Traffic Dataset RIPE Routing Information Service (RIS) BGP Dataset 2009-M57-Patents Scenario Tracks CRAWDAD (Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth) emotion icon MCFP Dataset (CTU-13 Dataset @ Malware Capture Facility Project) ISCX ( Information Security Center of eXcellence) Datasets @ Canada ISOT Lab Datasets DARPA Intrusion Detection Data Sets CAIDA Data (UCSD Network Telescope, CAIDA "DDoS Attack 2007" Dataset, Witty Worm Dataset) West Point Cyber Research Centre's Cyber Defense Exercise (CDX) Datasets NUST Traffic Datasets emotion icon UNSW-NB15 Dataset Description SimpleWeb traces (IPOM 2009 labelled dataset) KDD Cup 1999 Data NSL-KDD Data Set The ADFA Intrusion Detection Datasets AWID (Wireless Security Datasets Project) Dataset ADFA IDS DataSets Kyoto 2006+ dataset emotion icon Shodan Insecam - Live cameras directory Symantec's Worldwide Intelligence Network Environment (WINE)

Usable Security and Privacy


Incident Investigation and Testing Tools: Meir Wahnon's curated list of awesome lists: Security (Meir Wahnon's Awesome Incident Response, Meir Wahnon's Awesome Malware Analysis) The Digital Standard (GitHub)

Freeware and Open Source Projects: Helios (e-voting system) Warwick E-Voting emotion icon NESSIE Test Vectors NIST Statistical Test Suite Marsaglia Random Number CDROM including the Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness TestU01 emotion icon GCHQ's CyberChef International PGP GnuPG Gpg4win (GNU Privacy Guard for Windows) g10 Code (GPGol) GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA) Veridis Open PGP (KeyServer) Dark Mail Technical Alliance HushMail Enigmail Enigform FireGPG emotion icon CTL: Crypto Tools Library Crypto++® Library Peter Gutman's cryptlib (Delphi and Visual Basic Interfaces) LibTomCrypt Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs OpenSSL md5deep and hashdeep sphlib AVR-Crypto-Lib MCrypt CrypTool John Walker's Fourmilab (JavaScrypt, ENT - A Pseudorandom Number Sequence Test Program, MD5, One-Time Pad Generators, HotBits, Steganosaurus, Five-Letter Codegroup Filter) Stanford Javascript Crypto Library Javascript Crypto Library @ Clipperz jsSHA Malicious SHA-1 Open Source PKI Projects Charm Visual Encryptor emotion icon AES and Combined Encryption/Authentication Modes (by Brian Gladman) Blowfish Twofish Serpent (Eli Biham's Serpent Page) SONY's CLEFIA HElib: An Implementation of homomorphic encryption hcrypt project: Secret program execution through homomorphic encryption emotion icon Casper: A Compiler for the Analysis of Security Protocols Scyther SPORE (Security Protocol Open Repository)SPAN (Security Protocol ANimator for AVISPA) Tamarin Prover emotion icon Bandit Azigo Mobile-OTP Clipperz - online password manager emotion icon WireShark WinPcap (WinDump) CapLoader NetworkMiner NFDUMP NfSen - Netflow Sensor Argus (network Audit Record Generation and Utilization System) RSA NetWitness Investigator Zeek (formerly Bro): An Open Source Network Security Monitoring Tool (GitHub) TracesPlay joy Aircrack-ng AirSnort (sourceforge) Kali Linux SpyEye Tracker ZeuS Tracker emotion icon SlavaSoft HashCalc


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