Cyberspace of Shujun LI

University Wide:
Surrey Links;
Staff Learning and Development)
Key Dates

Surrey CS Channel)
Teaching and Student Services:
Computing Subject
Talis Aspire)
Timetable Demonstrators and PALSs Allocation
Potential Demonstrators)
Software Request for PC Labs Module Catalogue Department of Higher Education (DHE)
Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
EVS - Electronic Voting System,
EVS Support;


Panopto Lecture Capture,
SITS Student Administration (e:vision)
Accommodation Services
SharePoint for Personal Tutors
Key Supporting Units:
IT Services
Drupal Admin,

Rhythmyx User Guides;

Anywhere - Remote Access System;
HEAT Service Management;
Secure Storage Request;
Group Management Tool;
Off-Campus Password Changer,
Change Password for FEPS Linux Account;

Office 365;
New Email Mailing List Request,
LISTSERV web interface;
Create Shared Project Filestore)
Academic Resources

Research Finance)
Research and Innovation Services (RIS)
Impact Acceleration Account Application Form;
Research Data Management,
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships;
Research Support Fund;
Research Integrity and Governance Office)
Technology Transfer
Legal Research Contracts Services
Secretariat and Legal
Research Ethics
Research Skills Online;
FEPS Ethics Committee)
Human Resources
Employee Self-Service,
Staff Development)
Vacancy Request Form,
Vacancy Manager)
Library & Learning Support

SRI Open Access;
Researcher Development)
Open Access for REF 2020
Marketing and Communications
Surrey Asset Bank)
Directorate of Quality Enhancement and Standards
Codes of Practice;
PGR Regulations and Codes of Practice)
Doctoral College
University PGR Info Page
Useful Documents for PGR Students and Supervisors,
FEPS Graduate School)
Global Engagement
Estates and Facilities
Confirmation of Insurance
Faculties and Departments
University Wide:
Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS)
Digital World Research Centre (DWRC)
Centre for Connected Plants of the Future (CCPF)
Centre for Mathematical and Computational Biology (CMCB)
Law Enforcement, Defence and Security (LEDS) Network
More Research Networks)
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS):
FEPS Computing Service
Changing your Password;
Surrey Drop-off;
Department of Computer Science Server Configurations)
FEPS Intention to Bid Form
FEPS e3i (Educate, Inform, Inspire, Influence)
Faculty Research Degrees Committee SharePoint document library
High Performance Computing wiki
Department of Computer Science
Info Portal;
Secure Systems Reading Group;
PhD Conference;
SharePoint Site)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing - CVSSP,
Institute for Communication Systems - ICS,
5G Innovation Centre - 5GIC,
Surrey Space Centre - SSC,
Advanced Technology Institute - ATI)
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Physics - CNRP)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Centre for Environmental Strategy (CES)
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS):
School of Arts

Department of Sociology



Criminology and Criminal Justice research group,
Science, Environment and Technologies resaerch group,
Developments in Methodology research group)
Surrey Business School

Centre for Money, Banking and Institutions - CMBI,
Centre for Trust Research (CTR),
Centre for Advanced Research in Entrepreneurship - CARE,
Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development group - BCNED,

School of Law
School of Economics
Surrey Health Economics Centre - SHEC,

Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies - CIMS)
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Department of Politics


School of English and Languages
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS):
School of Psychology

Psychology Research Participation System)
School of Biosciences and Medicine
School of Health and Social Care
School of Veterinary Medicine
Surrey Sleep Research Centre (SSRC)
Mobile Health (mHealth)
Environmental Psychology Research Group
Surrey Baby Lab
International Care Ethics (ICE) Observatory
Other Internal Resources:
Travel and Transport
Visitor Parking Permit Application,
Staff Occasional Parking System)
Continuing Education Centre (CEC)
Surrey Online Store
Health and Safety
USS and UCU:
University-Owned Business:
Surrey Research Park
Internal Catering
The Refectory @ Guildford Cathedral
Hillside Restaurant and Lounge
Wates House
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