Cyberspace of Shujun LI



UKRI Creative Industries Clusters Programme Partners; UK HEIs as CCIP Partners; UK HEIs as CCIP Key Players; UK HEIs Participating with One or More UK-China AHRC Projects; More Relevant UK HEIs; More Industrial and Sector-Wide Organisations; More Selected Projects

Funding Bodies

UKRI: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (Creative Industries Clusters Programme; Creative Communities Programme) Audience of the Future

Others: Invest in Creative Arts Council England Art Fund (formerly the National Art Collections Fund) Creative Economy team, British Council (Creative Economy team; Living Research: Making in China)

Creative Industries Clusters Programme (CICP) : Partners

Regional Hubs as R&D Partners

  1. Bristol+Bath Creative R+D (Bristol and Bath)
    • Participating UK HEIs: University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) Bath Spa University University of Bath University of Bristol
  2. Business of Fashion, Textiles & Technology Partnership (BFTT) (Stratford, Thames Gateway, Lea Valley)
    • Participating UK HEIs: University of the Arts London (UAL) Loughborough University University College London (UCL) University of Cambridge University of Leeds Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)
  3. Clwstwr (Wales)
    • Participating UK HEIs: Cardiff University University of South Wales Cardiff Metropolitan University
  4. Creative Informatics (Edinburgh)
    • Participating UK HEIs: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Napier University
  5. Future Fashion Factory (Leeds and nationwide)
    • Participating UK HEIs: University of Leeds University of Huddersfield Royal College of Art (RCA) Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
  6. Future Screens NI (Northern Ireland)
    • Participating UK HEIs: Ulster University Queen's University Belfast (QUB)
  7. InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise (Dundee)
    • Participating UK HEIs: Abertay University (formerly University of Abertay Dundee) University of Dundee University of St Andrews
  8. StoryFutures (London and Home Counties)
    • StoryFutures Academy: National Centre for Immersive Storytelling
    • Participating UK HEIs: Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) Brunel University London University for the Creative Arts (UCA)
  9. XR Stories (York and Humber)

Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) : An Independent Partner Project

UK HEI Partners

University of Birmingham : School of English, Drama and Creative Studies; School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music; Barber Institute of Fine Arts

Cardiff University : School of Journalism, Media and Culture; School of Music; Media, Culture and Creativity research cluster; Visual Computing research area; Digital Media and Society research cluster; Contemporary Music as Creative Practice research theme; Opera and Music Drama research theme; Music, Conflict and Memory research theme; Music, Politics and Place research theme; Cardiff University British Music Research Centre (CUBRIT); Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Opera and Drama (CIRO); Journalism and Democracy research cluster; Centre for Community Journalism (C4CJ)

University of Edinburgh : Edinburgh College of Arts (ECA); School of Art; School of Design; Reid School of Music; Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA); History of Art; Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture & Society (CDCS)

University of Glasgow : College of Arts; School of Culture & Creative Arts; UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre @ University of Glasgow

Lancaster University : Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA); ImaginationLancaster; Creative Cultures and Contexts (Cultures) centre; Centre for Practice; Lancaster Arts; Work Foundation

London School of Economics (LSE) : Department of Media and Communications (Research Themes: Media Culture and Identities; Media Participation and Politics; Communication Histories and Futures; Communication, Technology, Rights and Justice)

University of Manchester : School of Arts, Languages and Cultures; NOVARS research centre; Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Languages (CIDRAL); Centre for Digital Humanities

Newcastle University (legally the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) : School of Arts and Cultures; Fine Art; Media, Culture, Heritage; International Centre for Music Studies (ICMuS); School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape; Institute for Creative Arts Practice; Research Centre for Film

University of Sussex : School of Media, Arts and Humanities; Creative Technology Group (CTG); Media, Arts and Humanities Research Institute (Sussex Humanities Lab (SHL); Emute (Experimental Music Technologies) Lab; Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies (SCCS)); Centre for Research in Creative and Performing Arts; Centre for Creative and Critical Thought; Centre for Photography and Visual Culture; Centre for Research in Opera and Music Theatre (CROMT); Sussex Performance Events and Research (SPEAR); REFRAME, an open access academic digital platform for the practice, publication and curation of international research in media, arts and humanities; Sussex Asia Centre; Sussex Africa Centre

Ulster University : Belfast School of Art; School of Arts and Humanities School of Communication and Media; Creative Industries Institute (CII) @ Ulster University; Centre For Media Research; Emerging Media, Pedagogy and Creative Industries Research Themes; Politics of the Image in Ireland and beyond Research Themes; Art and Design Research; Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies Research; Outworker Recordings

Other Partners

Nesta Creative UK British Film Institute (BFI) Tech Nation

More Industrial and Sector-Wide Organisations

Cross-Sectoral Organisations: Creative Industries Council (CIC) (Creative Industries Trade & Investment Board (CITIB); CreaTech) ArtWorks Alliance Art UK Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN) Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) Lumen Art Projects Lumen Prize for Art and Technology Creative Economy Team (Immersive Futures Lab) EIT Culture & Creativity National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Arts, Health and Wellbeing Arts, Heritage and Design in Healthcare Network of NHS

Sectoral Associations: UK Interactive Entertainment (Ukie) (The UK games industry on the map) UK Music (Music Academic Partnership (MAP)) Music Publishers Association (MPA) Documentary Film Council (DFC) British Fashion Council (BFC) (BFC Foundation) Publishers Association Design Council Chartered Society of Designers Design History Society European Songwriter and Composer Alliance (ESCA) Advertising Producers Association (APA) Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) Livery Companies of the City of London (The Stationers' Company: The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries The Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars The Worshipful Company of Musicians The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT) The Worshipful Company of Engineers)

Technology-Specific Associations: Immerse UK BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (Computer Arts Society (CAS), a Specialist Group of the BCS; Animation and Games Development specialist group; Interaction specialist group) UK5G Working Groups on Creative Industries

Academia-Industry Partnerships: Media Cymru (Participating UK HEIs: Cardiff University University of South Wales Cardiff Metropolitan University PDR: An Academic Design Research Institute PDR) The Culture Capital Exchange (TCCE) National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE) (UK HEI partners: Bath Spa University Birmingham City University (BCU) Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Northumbria University) National Association for Fine Art Education (NAFAE) MediaArtHistories (MAH) Speculations in Sound International Research Network South East Cultural Innovation South West Creative Technology Network (SWCTN)

Organisations Focusing on UK-China Collaboration and Exchange: esea contemporary (formerly known as Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art - CFCCA) UK-China Film Collab (英中电影合作研发中心)

UK HEI Providing Director of AHRC's Creative Communities Programme

Northumbria University : Department of Arts; Northumbria School of Design; Moving Image, Popular Media and Culture Research Group; Visual and Material Cultures (VMC) Research Group; Visual and Material Cultures (VMC) Research Group; Theatre and Performance Research Cluster; International Research Centre for the History and Culture of Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms; Design + Business and Publics @ Northumbria School of Design; Design + Making and Materials @ Northumbria School of Design; Northumbria Practice Research Group; BxNU Institute

More UK HEIs as Key Players of CCIP Partner Projects

These UK HEIs are not official partners of the AHRC's CCIP programme, but lead or participate in at least one of the partner projects of CCIP as an official partner.

Lead UK HEIs

These UK HEIs lead at least one of the CCIP partner projects.

University of Leeds : School of Performance and Cultural Industries; School of Design; School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies; School of Media and Communication; School of Music; LAND2 (creative practice-led research network); Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute (LAHRI); Leeds Institute of Textiles and Colour (LITAC); Media Industries and Cultural Production research group; Visual Media and Communication research group; Colour Technology research group; Music, Science and Technology research group; Audience Experience and Engagement research group; Bodies and Performance research group; Place and Performance research group; Performance Training, Preparation and Pedagogy research group; Participation research group; Practice as Research research group; Communication and Experience Design research group; Making Music research group; Fashion Marketing and Management (FMM) research group; Textile and Fashion Design research group; Textile Technology research group; Journalism research group; Cultural Institute; Centre for Cultural Value; Centre for Cultural Policy; Digital Cultures research group; Design History and Material Culture research group; Music as Culture research group; Leeds Creative Labs

University of the Arts London (UAL) : Camberwell College of Arts; Central Saint Martins; Chelsea College of Arts; London College of Communication; London College of Fashion; Wimbledon College of Arts; Creative Computing Institute; Social Design Institute; Decolonising Arts Institute; Fashion Textiles and Technology Institute; AKO Storytelling Institute; Research Centre for Transnational Art (TrAiN)

Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) : Department of Media Arts; Department of Music; Department of Drama, Theatre and Dance; Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Humanities and Arts Research Institute (HARI); Institute of Musical Research; Digital Cultures and Creativity research area; Digital/Postdigital Creativity and Culture research cluster; Centre for Audiovisual Research (CAVR); Television Culture and Production research area; Centre for the History of Television Culture and Production; Centre for Visual Cultures; Screen Form and Narrative research area; Centre for Contemporary British Theatre; Centre for Asian Theatre and Dance; Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Performance research cluster; Global/Transnational Perspectives on Theatre, Dance and Performance research cluster; Inclusion, Decolonisation and Participation in the Performing Arts research cluster; Theatre Histories, Heritage, Archiving and Material Objects research cluster; Handa Noh Theatre

University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) : School of Creative and Cultural Industries; Filmmaking, Animation and Photography; Drama and Acting; Journalism and Media; Department of Computer Science and Creative Technologies; Computer Science and Creative Technologies; Audio and Music Technology; School of Art and Design; Art; Design; Fashion; Creative Technologies Lab (CT Lab); Digital Cultures Research Centre (DCRC) (Creative Economies Lab @ UWE Bristol) Screen Industries Research Group @ UWE Bristol

Abertay University (formerly University of Abertay Dundee) : School of Design and Informatics; Division of Games and Arts; Division of Games Technology and Mathematics

Participating UK HEIs

These UK HEIs do not lead any of the CCIP partner projects, but play a role as a participating party.

Bath Spa University : Bath School of Art, Film and Media; Bath School of Music and Performing Arts; Bath School of Design; School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities; Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCCI); Issues in Creative Practice Research working group; Narrative and Emerging Technology Lab (NET); Art Research Centre (ARC); Centre for Media Research; Music Research Centre; Creative Corporealities research group; Intercultural Communication and Creative Practice research group; Arts and Social Change research group; Sound Arts and Visual Music research group; Open Scores Lab; Sonic Materiality Lab (SoMa); Making Books research centre; Research Centre for Transcultural Creativity and Education (TRACE); Research Centre in Creative Writing; Research Centre for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Creativity; History and Heritage Research Centre;

University of Bath : Department of Computer Science; Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering; REal and Virtual Environments Augmentation Lab (REVEAL); Visual Computing research group; Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA)

University of Bristol : Faculty of Arts; School of Arts; Department of Film and Television; Department of Music; Department of History of Art; Centre for Creative Technologies; Bristol Digital Game Lab; British Art Research Cluster (BARC); Transnational Modernisms Research Cluster (TMRC); Mediterranean Visual Cultures (Early Italian Studies Research Cluster); History of Art bookshelf

Loughborough University : School of Design and Creative Arts; Loughborough University London (Institute for Media and Creative Industries; Institute for Design Innovation)

University College London (UCL) : Slade School of Fine Art; Arts and Sciences programmes

University of Cambridge : Faculty of Architecture and History of Art (Department of Architecture; Department of History of Art); Faculty of Music; Centre for Visual Culture; Human-Centred Computing research theme; Affective Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory (AFAR); Graphics & Interaction Group (“Rainbow”); Modern and Contemporary Art and Theory research area; Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture (CSCA); Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art and Architecture research area; Medieval and Renaissance Visual Culture research area; Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre (CCRAC); Cambridge Design Research Studio; Centre for Music and Science (CMS); Centre for Music Performance (CMP); Creative Practice research area; Ethnomusicology, Popular Music and Sound Studies research area; Twentieth-Century (Music) Studies research area; Nineteenth-Century (Music) Studies research area; Early Music research area; Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH); Martin Centre: Sustainable buildings and cities; University of Cambridge Museums

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) : School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science; Department of Film; Department of Drama; qMedia (Centre for Digital Music (C4DM); Game AI Research Group (GAIG); Multimedia & Vision (MMV) Research Group; Cognitive Science Research Group) Centre for Film and Ethics; Film Cultures research area; Film Practice as Research; Film Cultures research area; Film Philosophy research area; Socially Engaged Performance Practices research area; Materials and Materialism in Theatre and Performance research area; Global Majority and Diasporic Performance research area; Feeling Medicine research area; Centre for Mind in Society

University of South Wales : Faculty of Creative Industries; Creative Industries Research Unit: Music, Performance and Media; Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations; European Centre for Documentary Research; George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling (GEECS)

Cardiff Metropolitan University : Cardiff School of Art & Design (CSAD); Cardiff Open Art School (COAS); Cardiff Met Global Academies: Human Centred Design; Centre for Applied Research in Inclusive Arts and Design (CARIAD); Artistic Research Cardiff; User Centred Design (UCD) research group; FAB-Cre8 @ Cardiff School of Art & Design, Cardiff Metropolitan University; Creative Learning Research Group; Fabrication Lab Cardiff; Creative Computing Research Centre; PDR: An Academic Design Research Institute; PDR

Edinburgh Napier University : School of Arts and Creative Industries; Centre for Arts, Media and Culture (CAMC); Centre for Creative Practice; Centre for Interaction Design

University of Huddersfield : Department of Art and Communication; Department of Music & Design Arts; Department of Fashion and Textiles; Department of Architecture and 3D Design; Yorkshire Film and Television School; Centre for Visual and Immersive Computing (CVIC); Centre for Research in New Music (CeReNeM); Centre for Cultural Ecologies in Art, Design and Architecture (CEADA); Innovative Design Lab (IDL); Technical Textiles Research Centre; British Music Collection

Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) : Manchester School of Art; Manchester Fashion Institute; Manchester School of Art Research Centre; Design Research Hub; Media Research Hub; Art & Performance Research Hub; Fashion Research Hub; Architecture Research Hub; Visual Culture Research Group; Arts & Health Research Group; Future Technologies Research Group; LiFE ‘Living In Future Ecologies’; Art Pedagogy Experiment Research Group; Asian Cultures Research Group; Arts for Health @ Manchester Metropolitan University

Queen's University Belfast (QUB) : School of Arts, English and Languages; Sonic Arts Research Centre; Friel Theatre and Centre for Theatre Research; Seamus Heaney Centre (creative writing); Prisons Memory Archive (PMA)

University of Dundee : Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design; Architecture and Urban Planning; Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Creativity research themes @ School of Business

University of St Andrews : School of Art History; Department of Film Studies; Music Centre; Institute for Global Cinema and Creative Cultures (IGCCC); Museums, Galleries and Collection Institute (MGCI); Centre for Screen Cultures; St Andrews Centre for Contemporary Art; Centre for the Study of Medieval Manuscripts and Technology (CeMManT);

Brunel University London : Brunel Design School; Games Design; Film Studies; Music; Theatre; Journalism; Creative Industries Hub; Institute of Digital Futures; Intelligent Digital Economy and Society; Centre for AI: Social and Digital Innovation; Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CES) (Creative Technology, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab)

University for the Creative Arts (UCA) : Institute of Creativity and Innovation (ICI), Xiamen University (XMU), China and the University for the Creative Arts (UCA), UK / 厦门大学创意与创新学院, Institute of Creativity and Innovation (ICI) @ UCA website Business School for the Creative Industries; School of Games & Creative Technology; School of Fine Art, Crafts & Photography; School of Film, Media & Performing Arts; School of Communication; School of Architecture & Design; School of Fashion & Textiles; Animation Research Centre (ARC); Cluster for Cinema, Affect, Place (CCAP); Conflict & the Creative Arts Research Centre; Audio Research Cluster; Crafts Study Centre (CSC); International Textile Research Centre (ITRC); Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD)

UK HEIs with AHRC-Funded Project for UK-China Collaboration and Exchange

University of Nottingham : Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies; Department of Music; Department of Architecture and Built Environment; Cultural and Creative Industries research theme; Mixed Reality Laboratory; East Asian Visual and Media Cultures research theme; Photography, Film and Spectatorship research theme; Nineteenth-Century Art and Cultural Exchange research theme; Collecting, Reception and Revival research theme; Politics and Identity research theme; Critical Theory, Media and Cultural Studies research theme; Institute for Screen Industries Research (ISIR); Centre for Research in Visual Culture (CRVC); Centre for Music on Stage and Screen (MOSS); Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception (CADRE); Musical Creativity and Community research theme; Music-Text-Image research theme; Music, Space and Place research theme; Music, Politics and Identity research theme; Design+Build Studio; Centre for Critical Theory (CCT); Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies (CEACS)

Goldsmiths, University of London : Department of Arts; Department of Design; Department of Music; Department of Theatre and Performance; Department of Visual Cultures; Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies (MCCS); Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE)

University of Liverpool : School of the Arts; Department of Communication and Media; Department of Languages, Cultures and Film; Department of Music; School of the Architecture; Centre for Architecture and the Visual Arts (CAVA); Interdisciplinary Centre for Composition and Technology (ICCaT); Institute of Popular Music (IPM); Applied Music (AM) Research Lab; Centre for Digital Politics, Media and Democracy (DigiPol); Acoustics Research Unit (ARU); Image, Sound, Performance research group; Media Histories research group; Screen and Film Studies research group; Media, Politics and Society research group; Centre for the Study of Architecture and Cultural Heritage of India, Arabia and the Maghreb (ArCHIAM); Architectural and Urban History Group; Environment, Sustainability and Technology in Architecture (ESTA) research group; Urban Form and Social Space (UFSS) research group; Language, Data and Society (LANDS) Research Centre; Centre for Culture and Everyday Life (CCEL); Culture, Space and Memory research group; Power, Space & Cultural Change research group; Place, Space and Belonging research group; Conflict, Memory and Heritage research group; Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures; Literature & Science Hub Research Centre; Centre for New and International Writing; Latin American Studies Network

Nottingham Trent University (NTU) : Nottingham School of Art & Design; Visual Communication department; Visual Arts department; Fashion Management, Marketing and Communication (FMMC) department; Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear Design department; Department of Journalism and Media; Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies, Nottingham Trent University (NTU); Artistic Research Centre; Design Research Centre; Fashion and Textile Research Centre; Art research group; Global Cultures of Textiles and Dress (GCTD) research group; Heritage research group; Centre for Broadcasting & Journalism (CBJ); Periodicals and Print Culture Research Group; Centre for Public History, Heritage and Memory

Falmouth University : Academy of Music & Theatre Arts (AMATA); Falmouth School of Art; School of Film & Television; Games Academy; Institute of Photography; School of Architecture, Design & Interiors; Fashion & Textiles Institute; School of Communication; Creative Industries Futures research programme; Metamakers Institute (computational creativity); Digital Creativity research programme; Inequality & Storytelling research programme; Design for Health & Wellbeing research programme

Bournemouth University : Faculty of Media & Communication; Department of Media Production; Department of Communication & Journalism; Centre for Applied Creative Technologies (CfACTs); National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA); Centre for Digital Entertainment (CDE); Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP); Experimental Media Research Centre (EMERGE); Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research (CCPMR)

Birmingham City University (BCU) : Faculty of Arts, Design and Media; Birmingham School of Art; Royal Birmingham Conservatoire; Birmingham School of Architecture and Design; School of Games, Film and Animation; School of Visual Communication; School of Fashion and Textiles; Birmingham School of Media; Birmingham Institute of Fashion and Creative Art (BIFCA), a partnership with Wuhan Textile University (武汉纺织大学) in China

University of Leicester : School of Arts (History of Art and Film); School of Media, Communication and Sociology (Media and Communication); Department of Museum Studies; Interaction Design and Evaluation of Socio-technical Systems (IDEAS) research theme; Digital Media research cluster; Media Cultures research cluster; Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG); Collective for Research into the Institutions of Art (CRÍA); Public Communication research cluster; Centre for New Writing

Edge Hill University : Department of English and Creative Arts (Creative Arts) Institute for Creative Enterprise (ICE); Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing (RCAW); Television Studies Research Group; Data Science STEM Research Centre: Enabling and Visualising Intelligence (EVI)

Kingston University : Kingston School of Art; School of Creative and Cultural Industries; Department of Creative Industries; Department of Journalism, Publishing and Media; Design School; Department of Graphic Design; Department of Illustration Animation; Department of 3D Design; Department of Fashion; Foresight, Creativity and Decision Making Research Hub @ Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Behavioural Science and Creative Insights Lab; Visible Institute (Vi); Contemporary Art Research Centre (CARC); Visual and Material Culture Research Centre; Modern Interiors Research Centre; Performing Arts Community Engagement (PACE) research group; Visconti Studio

More Relevant UK HEIs

UK HEIs Specialised on Creative Industries Related Subjects

Royal College of Art (RCA) : School of Arts & Humanities; School of Design; School of Architecture; Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design; Intelligent Mobility Design Centre

Glasgow School of Art (GSA) : School of Fine Art; School of Design; School of Simulation & Visualisation; Mackintosh School of Architecture; Innovation School

More art-specific HEIs: Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (CSSD), University of London Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) (Drawing Research Group) Leeds Arts University Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) Arts University Plymouth (AUP) Northern School of Art Sotheby's Institute of Art Rose Bruford College (Centre for Digital Production; Stanislavski Centre for Contemporary Performance; Theatre for Young Audiences)

More music and performing arts-specific HEIs: Royal Academy of Music (RAM) Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) National Film and Television School (NFTS) Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) Guildhall School of Music & Drama (GSMD) Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama (RWCMD) Trinity Laban Conservatoire London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) Leeds Conservatoire Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP) Central Film School

UK HEIs with an Institutional Highlight on Revelant Industrial Sector(s)

These UK HEIs have at least one faculty/school/department/institute focusing on one or more relevant industrial sectors (i.e., creative, cultural, performaning, media, filming and fahsion industries).

University of Kent : School of Arts; Department of Drama and Theatre; Department of Film and Media; Department of Music and Audio Technology; Department of Art History; Kent School of Architecture and Planning; Centre for Journalism; Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries (iCCi); Aesthetics Research Centre (ARC); European Theatre Research Network; Research Network for Music and Health; Film, Media and Culture Research Group; Composers and Technology Research Group; Performance and Theatre Research Group; Identities, Politics and the Arts Research Group; Histories: Art, Drama and Film Research Group; Digital Media research @ School of Engineering; Future Human Signature Research Theme; KMTV Creative Productions; Gulbenkian Arts Centre

University of East Anglia : Creative UEA; School of Art, Media and American Studies (Department of Film, Television and Media; Department of Art History and World Art Studies); School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing (Department of Drama); Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities; Liberal Arts; Interactive Graphics and Audio Laboratory; Colour and Imaging Laboratory; British Cinema & Television Group; Media and Cultural Consumption Group; Modern and Contemporary Art Group; Medieval Art, Architecture and Visual Culture Group; Comics Studies; Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures; Centre for African Art and Archaeology (CfAAA); Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas; Feminist Media Studies research theme; Material Histories Group; Digital Humanities Incubator Group (UEADHi); Representation and Identity Studies; UEA's Photographic Collection; East Anglian Film Archive (EAFA)

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) : Cambridge School of Creative Industries; Cambridge School of Art; StoryLab Research Institute @ Anglia Ruskin University; Fine Art Research Unit; Design Research Group; Centre for Children's Book Studies; Lens Reportage and Documentary Research Group; Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research (CIMTR); Anglia Ruskin Centre for Science Fiction & Fantasy

University of Portsmouth : Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries; School of Creative Technologies; School of Art, Design and Performance; School of Film, Media and Communication; Portsmouth School of Architecture; Digital and Creative Technologies research area; Art and Design: History, Theory and Practice research area; Film and Media research area; Theatre, Music and Performance research area; Journalism, Communication and Creative Writing research area; Advanced Games Research Group; Visual Computing Research Group; Creative Writing Team

King's College London (KCL) : Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries (CMCI); Department of Film Studies; Department of Music; Department of Digital Humanities; King's Digital Lab (KDL)

City, University of London : Department of Media, Culture and Creative Industries; Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries (CCCI)

University of Chichester : Creative Industries; Fine Art; Stage and Screen; Music

University of Westminster : College of Design, Creative and Design Industries; Art, Design and Visual Culture; Film and Television; Fashion; Media and Communication; Music; Architecture, Interiors and Urban Design

University of Sunderland : Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries; School of Art and Design; Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies (CRMCS); Art and Design research; Northern Centre of Photography (NEPN); National Glass Centre; Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss (CRUMB)

University of Bedfordshire : School of Arts and Creative Industries; Research Institute for Media, Arts and Performance (RIMAP)

Robert Gordon University (RGU) : School of Creative & Cultural Business; Gray's School of Art; The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment; Art & Heritage Collections

University of East London (UEL) : School of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) (Department of Media; Department of Performing Arts; Department of Fashion); School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (Department of Architecture and Visual Arts; Art and Creative Design; Architecture and Physical Design); Centre for Creative and Cultural Practice (CCP); Centre for Applied and Participatory Arts (CAPA); Centre for Performing Arts Development (CPAD); Centre for Cultural Studies Research (CCSR); Cultural Engine Research Group (CERG)

Teesside University : School of Arts & Creative Industries; School of Computing, Engineering & Digital Technologies; Centre for Culture and Creativity

University of the West of Scotland (UWS) : School of Business & Creative Industries; Creative Media Academy; Creative Computing Technologies (CCT) Research Group; UWS Immersive Research Group

University of Gloucestershire : School of Creative Industries; School of Arts; Game Technologies @ School of Computing and Engineering; Hardwick Centre for Fine Art & Photography; Research Priority Area for Creative Practice and Theory; Culture, Continuity and Transformation Research Priority Area

Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) : School of Creative Arts and Industries; School of Engineering, Technology and Design; Centre for Practice-Based Research in the Arts; Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health; Centre for Research on Communities and Cultures; Centre for Kent History and Heritage (CKHH); Anselm Studios; St Gregory's (music venue);

London South Bank University (LSBU) : School of Arts and Creative Industries; Creative Technologies Research Centre (CTRC); Centre for the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI); Centre for the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI); Games Research Group; Researching the Screen / Practice-as-research in Arts (PARAG) Research Group; Digital Performance Research Group; Journalism Futures Research Group; Sonic Research Group; Space and Place Research Group

Aberystwyth University : School of Art; Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies; Media Industries and Institutions Research Cluster; Scenography, Performance and the Everyday Research Cluster; Screen Practice Research Cluster; Site and Sound Research Cluster

Staffordshire University : School of Digital, Technologies and Arts; C3 Centre: Creative Industries and Creative Communities

Buckinghamshire New University (BNU) : School of Creative and Digital Industries; School of Art, Design and Performance; Moving Image; Audio and Music; Art and Design; Dance and Performance

University of Lincoln : College of Arts; Lincoln School of Creative Arts; Lincoln School of Design, Creativity and Cultural Industries research; Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism; Lincoln School of Architecture and the Built Environment; Lincoln Arts Centre

Solent University : Faculty of Creative Industries, Architecture and Engineering; Faculty of Business, Law and Digital Technologies; Culture, Media, Space and Place research group; Contemporary Screen Studies research group; Art, Environment and Social Change research group; Engineering Design and Manufacture (EDM) research group;

Middlesex University London (legally Middlesex University and abbreviated MDX) : Art and Design Research Institute (ADRI); Centre for Research into Creation in the Performing Arts (ResCen); redLoop (design and innovation centre); Interaction Design Centre; Blockchain for Creative Industries research cluster; Electronic and Digital Arts research cluster; Visual Culture and Curating research cluster; Film and TV Research Group; Art Practice as Investigation research cluster; Promotional Cultures research cluster; Social Media research cluster; Architecture, Design and Urban Cultures research cluster; Choreography research cluster; Directing and Dramaturgy research cluster; Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture (MoDA)

University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) : Creative Industries research theme UHI Inverness (School of Creative & Cultural Industries) UHI Shetland (Creative Industries; Centre for Island Creativity) Perth College UHI (Creative Industries; Music and Music Business; Theatre Arts; Research and Innovation Hub) UHI Argyll (Computing including Digital Design, Digital Media and Interactive Media) UHI Outer Hebrides (Creative Industries; Creative Arts & Music) UHI West Highland (Computing and Creative Digital Skills; Creative and Visual Arts; Music and DJing) UHI Moray (Moray School of Art; Computing and Digital Media) Orkney College UHI (Art and Design Department)

University of Hull : School of The Arts (Creative Industries; Game and Graphic Design; Film and Media Studies; Music; Drama); Virtual Augmented Reality and Simulation (VARS); Centre for Performance, Technology and Aesthetics; Centre for Applied Research in the Arts; Centre for Textual and Cultural Analysis; Larkin Centre for Poetry and Creative Writing; Richard Hoggart Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies; Cultures of Incarceration Centre

University of Roehampton : School of Arts and Digital Industries; Centre for Research in Arts and Creative Exchange (CRACE)

University of Wales Trinity Saint David : Swansea College of Art; Wales Academy of Voice & Dramatic Arts (WAVDA); International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development (IICED); Wales Institute of Science and Art (WISA)

Wrexham Glyndŵr University : Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology; Creative Industries Building; Creative Arts Research Centre

Leeds Trinity University : Faculty of Business, Computing and Digital Industries; School of Digital and Screen Media; International Research Centre for Interactive Storytelling (IRIS)

UK HEIs with Dedicated Research on Creative Technologies

These UK HEIs do not have a faculty/school/department/institute dedicated to relevant industrial sector(s), but have research/education activities on creative technologies.

De Montfort University (DMU) : School of Arts, Design and Architecture; School of Humanities and Performing Arts; Leicester School of Architecture; Leicester Media School; Institute of Creative Technologies (ICOT); Music, Technology and Innovation - Institute for Sonic Creativity (MTI2); Institute of Art and Design (IAD); Cinema and Television History Research Institute (CATHI); Institute of Dance, Drama and Performance Studies (IDDPS); Media and Culture Research Centre (MCRC); Media Discourse Centre (MDC); Institute of Architecture

University of Bolton (formerly Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton Institute of Technology or simply Bolton Institute) : School of Creative Technologies; Centre for Games Development; Centre for Film FX; Bolton School of the Arts; Animation and Illustration; Art & Design and Fine Art; Performing Arts and Theatre; Graphic Design; Media and Photography; Fashion and Textiles

Ravensbourne University London : Institute for Creativity and Technology (research, CreativeLab); Make it Ravensbourne; BBC Motion Graphics Archive

London Metropolitan University : School of Art, Architecture and Design; School of Computing and Digital Media; Media, Culture and Creative Technologies Research Group; Centre for Creative Arts, Cultures and Engagement (CREATURE); Centre for Urban and Built Ecologies (CUBE); Ecological, Architectural and Civic Humanities in Design (EACHiD) research group; Centre for Life Writing and Oral History (CLiOH)

University of Salford : Salford School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology; Arts, Media and Communication Research Centre; Art and Design Research and Engagement (AnDRE) Research Group; Cultural, Communication and Media Research Group (CCMRG); Music and Performance Research Group; Practice as Research Centre of Excellence

Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) : Liverpool School of Art and Design; Liverpool Screen School; Institute of Art and Technology; Drama and Performance Research Group; Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Research Group

University of Northampton : Institute for Creative Leather Technologies (ICLT); Centre for Art and Design; Journalism, Media & Performance; Fashion; Fashion & Leather Technology

UK HEIs with Dedicated Research on Creative Practice

These UK HEIs do not have a faculty/school/department/institute dedicated to relevant industrial sector(s) or a research focus on creative technologies, but have research units dedicated to creative practice.

University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) : Creative Practice Research Academy (CPRA); Centre for Cultural Preservation through Creative Practice; Media Innovation Studio; Music Research Group; Film, Media and Culture; Journalism Research Group; Photography Research Group

Keele University : Media, Culture and Creative Practice (MCCP) research theme; Music and Music Technology research theme; English Literature and Creative Writing research theme

UK HEIs with Dedicated Research on Creative Arts or Creativity

These UK HEIs have research/education activities more on creative arts and/or creativity in general.

Open University : School of Arts & Humanities; Creative Interactions Research Group; Music Computing Lab; Film and Media (FM) Research Group; Health and the Arts Research Group; Literature and Music Research Group; Design and Innovation research; Computing Research (Interaction Design Research Group (IDRG); Next Generation Multimedia Technologies (XGMT)); Interaction Design Research Group; Contemporary Cultures of Writing Research Group; Digital Humanities; Knowledge Media Institute (KMI)

Sheffield Hallam University : Department of Art and Design; Department of Media Arts and Communication; Department of Humanities; Culture and Creativity Research Institute (CCRI); Centre for Culture, Media and Society (CCMS); Art, Design and Media Research Centre (ADMRC); Humanities Research Centre (HRC); Lab4Living (L4L); Games and virtual reality research team @ Department of Computing

UK HEIs with Relevant Research/Education Activities

These UK HEIs have research/education activities more on general topics relevant for creative industries, e.g., arts, music, performing arts, and creative writing, but do not have an explicit focus on creative industries, technologies or practice.

Comprehensive HEIs

University of Oxford : Ruskin School of Art; Faculty of Music; Department of History of Art and Centre for Visual Studies

University of Reading : School of Arts and Communication Design, Reading School of Arts, Department of Film, Theatre and Television, Department of Typography and Graphic Communication; School of Architecture; Heritage & Creativity Research Theme, Art Research Division, Film, Theatre & Television Research Division; Centre for Film Aesthetics and Cultures (CFAC); Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing (CBCP); ArtLab

Oxford Brookes University : School of Arts; School of Architecture; Centre of Research in the Arts (CoRA); Oxford International Centre for Publishing (OICP); Film Studies Research Unit (FSRU); Opera Research Unit (OBERTO); Popular Music Research Unit (PMRU); Print Culture Research Unit (PCRU); Sonic Art Research Unit (SARU); Audience Project (TAP) research group; Digital Humanities Research Group

University of Southampton : Winchester School of Art; School of Humanities; Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities (SIAH); Institute of Sound and Vibration Research; Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design & Media; Transforming Creativity Research Group (TCRG); Archaeologies of Media and Technology (AMT) Research Group; Winchester Luxury Research Group (WLRG); Film Studies research area; Music research area; Composition and Music Technology Research Group; Music Performance Research Group; Musicology and Ethnomusicology Research Group; Analytic Aesthetics and the History of Aesthetics Research Group; Digital Humanities Hub

University of Brighton : School of Art and Media

University of Surrey : Department of Music and Media; Guildford School of Acting (GSA); Digital Media Arts research; Musicology research; Sound Recording research; Institute of Sound Recording (IoSR); Institute of Austrian and German Music Research (IAGMR); International Guitar Research Centre (IGRC); Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI; Digital World Research Centre (DWRC)

University of Essex : Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies; East 15 Acting School (Screen and Performance Research Network; Lived Experience and Creative Process research clusrer; Embodiment and Perception research clusrer; Global Perspectives and Intercultural Practice research clusrer); School of Philosophy and Art History; Centre for Film and Screen Media; Centre for Theatre Research (CTR); Centre for Creative Writing; Centre for Curatorial Studies; Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Interdisciplinary Studies Centre; Art Exchange

Birkbeck College, University of London : School of Arts; Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies; Department of History of Art

Coventry University : School of Art and Design; School of Media and Performing Arts; Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities (CAMC); Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE); Centre for Postdigital Cultures;

Bangor University : Department of Music, Drama and Performance; Department of Creative Writing, English Literature, Film, Journalism and Media

University of Plymouth : School of Art, Design and Architecture; Institute of Digital Art and Technology (iDAT); Arts Research; Land/Water and the Visual Arts; Creative Associates @ Sustainable Earth Institute; Cross Cutting Strand: Arts - Health Collaborative Research @ Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR); Marine Culture @ Marine Institute; Architecture research area; The Arts Institute – public arts programme; Plymouth Design Forum (PDF); Cornerstone Heritage; Plymouth Heritage Praxis

University of Greenwich : School of Stage and Screen; School of Design; Digital Arts Research and Enterprise (DARE); Drama, Theatre & Performance (DTP) Research Group; Centre for Sound-Image; Co-Creating Liveness in Embodied Immersion (CLEI); Captivate: Spatial Modelling Research Group; University of Greenwich Galleries; Bathway Theatre

University of Wolverhampton : School of Art; Wolverhampton Screen School; School of Architecture and the Built Environment; Centre for Art, Design, Research & Experimentation (CADRE); Digital Technology, Theory and Practice (DTTP) research cluster; Art, Philosophy and Social Practice (APSP) research cluster; Material and Theoretical Practice (MTP) research cluster

University of Hertfordshire : School of Creative Arts; Department of Humanities; G+VERL team (Comics, Concept art, 2D animation to Architectural Visualisation and Visual Effects production); Theorising Visual Art and Design (TVAD) Research Group; Art Sci Lab Research Group; Contemporary Arts Practice (CAP); Media Research Group (MRG); Design Research Group (DRG), Design Research Group's Digital Hack Lab; Media and Communications Research Group; Architecture + (ARCH+) Research Group; Heritage Hub

York St John University : School of the Arts; School of Humanities; International Centre for Community Music (ICCM); Interactive Games Research Group (IGRG); Virtual and Augmented Reality Research Group ; Screen Research Group; Parenthood and Creativity Research Group; Motivation, Performance and Wellbeing (MPaW) Research Group; Music Memoir Research Group; Art, Gender, Spirituality Research Group

Heriot-Watt University (HWU) : School of Textiles and Design; Intercultural Research Centre (IRC)

Leeds Beckett University : Leeds School of Arts; Leeds School of Architecture; School of Cultural Studies and Humanities; Leeds Arts Research Centre (LARC); Centre for Culture and the Arts; Architecture Research Group

University of West London : London School of Film, Media and Design; London College of Music (LCM); PRISM: Music and Screen

University of Chester : Department of Art and Design; Department of Music, Media and Performance; Centre for Research into Education, Creativity and the Arts through Practice (RECAP); Philip Barker Centre for Creative Learning; Chester Centre for Research in Arts and Media (CCRAM); Media Research Network (MRN); Music, Media and Performance (MM&P) Research; Media Research; Creative Campus, Kingsway; Contemporary Art Space Chester (CASC)

University of Suffolk : School of Engineering, Arts, Science and Technology; Computer Games and Creative Technologies; Architecture, Art and Design; Photography and Film; Digital Futures Institute (whose Pillar 2 is Creative Futures); Centre for Culture and Heritage

University of Derby : School of Arts; School of Humanities and Journalism; Digital and Material Artistic Research Centre (DMARC); CivicLAB; Research in Arts and Wellbeing (RAW); Identity, Culture and Representation (ICR) Research Cluster; FORMAT International Photography Festival; Banks Mill Studios

University of Cumbria : Institute of Arts; Art and Design; Media Arts; Performing Arts; Arts Research Initiative; Vallum Gallery; Stanwix Theatre and Topping Studio

University of Winchester : Department of Digital Technologies; School of Performing Arts; School of Media and Film; Culture-Media-Text Research Centre (Film Cluster; Journalism, Media and Culture Cluster; Identity and Culture Cluster; Language and Society Cluster; Literature and Culture Cluster); Centre for Performance Practice and Research (CPPR); The Institute of Place

Liverpool Hope University : School of Creative and Performing Arts; Popular Culture Research Group; The Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home; Creative Campus; Cornerstone Gallery; Capstone Theatre

University of Worcester : School of Arts; Arts research

St Mary's University, Twickenham : Drama research and professional practice

Northeastern University London (NU London) : Art History Faculty; Creative Writing; Computer and Data Science; Research Scientists


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