Practical Hints for Success in
Adapted from Dr Tanner (University of MO at
To succeed in scientific research, you must:
Work Hard.
Work 60-80 hours per week. Plan to do this through graduate school,
postdoctoral study, and at least your first ten years in a permanent position.
The American people have invested large amounts of money (State and Federal
funds) in our laboratory. To not work hard is theft of service, and it
undermines the confidence of Americans in scientific
research.Write many high quality papers, and thereby publish in
mainstream journals.
You need to write at least two really good papers per year, starting in the
latter part of your graduate work. Learn how to write well. Use an outline and
be complete but concise in planning the introduction to a paper. It helps to
imagine that you are presenting the material in a lecture. For style questions,
consult Strunk & White.Read incessantly and widely.
Half of your reading should be immediately related to your current research
(journals and books); the other half should be potentially related to your
current or future research. You should always be reading one textbook or
monograph, and you should look at each issue of key journals and serials. Know
how to read journals to extract the most useful information in the least time.
Search Medline weekly. Use these resources
- Online journals
- Health Sciences library
- Ellis library
Manage Your Time.
Two-thirds of your time (40-50 hours/week) should be spent conducting
research. One third of your time (20-30 hours/week) should be spent reading. Set
daily, weekly and long-term goals. Review your goals and progress frequently. If
you are consistently falling short of your goals, try keeping track of how you
actually spend your time for a few days. Use this inventory to help plan
adjustments. Know when to be meticulous and when you can be
sloppier.Be the expert regarding your project.
a. I (your advisor) cannot and should not be the expert on each scientist’s
b. To be the expert, you must read incessantly and widely.
c. You must visit the library (real or online) twice per week to identify new
pertinent literature.
d. You must do electronic literature searches weekly - use Medline via
e. You must search the Protein Data Bank weekly to see if your protein or a
related one has been deposited.
f. You must live in abject fear that you have missed a pertinent paper, and
will thereby be embarrassed in a public forum.
g. Fulfillment of a. to f. is part of scholarship.
solid, clear seminars.
Take advantage of opportunities to give lectures about your research.
Preparing a talk helps you to review what you are doing, why you are doing it,
and what you still need to do. In lecturing, look at the audience, not at the
board or screen. Pretend you are talking to someone in the back row - that will
help you speak loudly enough. Don’t fumble with the keys or change in your pants
pocket. Don’t read from your slides.Be able to accept frequent
and sometimes harsh criticism and overcome adversity.
Master at least one widely-applicable technique and preferably two
different techniques.
Be first.
Nobody cites second references and nobody remembers the confirming
paper.Be Intensely Interested in Your Work.
If you’re not consumed by interest in your research project, pick
another project. If you’re not consumed by interest in some project, pick
another career.Write superb grant applications.
Current funding levels are 10-15% at most agencies and
decreasing.Be Ambitious and Reasonably Aggressive.
Be Persistent.
Conduct your research with a sense of urgency.
Someone, somewhere, is working on your crystal
structure.Pick Interesting Research Topics.
They should be something that any other scientist would be
interested in.Work on Something that You can Do.
Your main project at any given time should be one that is well-defined and
that is solvable within 6 months. Break projects up into 3 month
steps.To write many high quality papers, you must:
1. First and foremost, be a scholar.
2. Ask yourself:
What is new? What have I discovered?
What is the message? 1 to 2 messages per paper.
What is not known?
What will the figures look like?
Who am I trying to reach?
Which jounal is appropriate?
3. Write your papers as the research is conducted. It is illogical,
inefficient, foolish, and counterproductive to wait until your work is completed
to write the manuscript. You will fail if you take this approach.
4. Write the Material and Methods section first - it’s simply a story about
what you actually did in the lab. Then proceed to Results, Conclusions,
Introduction, and Abstract.
5. Live the following concept: Always have at least one paper in press, one
manuscript submitted for review, and one paper that you are writing.
Additional Noteworthy Points
Gather ideas and techniques from widespread sources.
Advances are made by people who have insights and lead the
charge.Consult Other Experts.
When you run into a technical problem that’s peripheral to your main
research goal, consult someone who’s an expert in that area instead of spending
weeks trying to find and absorb all the relevant literature.Work
on Two Different Projects at the Same Time.
Hoard Ideas
Whenever you have an idea for a possible research project, write it down
immediately and save it in your Ideas Notebook. Review your ideas
occasionally. Move the best ones to the front of your notebook and keep
developing them.Why do people fail?
1. They are lazy.
2. They are stupid (in the broadest sense of the word).
3. They do not perform research better and faster than the competition.
4. They do not have pride in their work.
5. They do not write papers.
6. They exercise immense self delusion by saying,
"If I only had time to write up my exciting data."
"I was unlucky."
"I will write the paper tomorrow."
"I work harder that anyone else."
You will fail if:
You do not embrace what I have told you. I guarantee it.
You may succeed if :
You embrace the strategies I have outlined.
Some of Tanner’s responsibilities.
1. Provide resources to do the job.
a. supplies.
b. equipment.
c. personnel/technical support.
2. Provide a scholarly
3. Provide ideas and act as a critic.
4. Assist in manuscript preparation.
5. Career counseling.
6. Staff psychiatrist
7. Assist your success: If you succeed, I succeed. If you fail, I fail. I do
not like to fail.
8. Acts as spokesman for the laboratory regionally, nationally, and
9. Set standards for the lab, set overall direction, decide where resources
will be spent.
K ey Journals
Most Important
Nature Structural Biology
Protein Science
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Acta Cryst. D.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Also Good
Proteins: Structure and Function
Biophysical Journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Accounts of Chemical Research
Nature Biotechnology
Key Serials
Methods in Enzymology
Advances in Protein Chemistry
Annual Reviews of Biochemistry
Annual Reviews of Biophysics & Biophysical Chemistry
Annual Reviews of Physical